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  • 相约北美 / 定居入籍 / 有人7月4日从北京出发吗? 作个伴。不知道这个日子好不好,又是7,又是4的,黄历上说宜出行,就信它一回吧。
    • Today, we celebrate our independance day
      • "today will become the independance day of the world..." I puke and puke
        • you so funny
      • today? 6.22, which country's independence day, do you mean 7.4, U.S independence day?
        • There is only one well know day called "Independence Day" and they want the whole world admire and worship this day. IN YOUR DREAMS!
    • 我也7月4日走,去多伦多,你去哪个城市?我们结伴!
      • me too. Toronto, AC3030, depart from Beijing in 16:15 at July 4th.