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  • 枫下家园 / 爱车一族 / Would any one give me some comments on Ford Focus (4dr Sedan SE). I like the shape / factor, and I find it's almost the same price as Corrola. (I am an idiot on car). Thanks.
    • 我们TEST DRIVE FOCUS. 发现5速的HATCHBACK更IMPRESSIVE. 车小, 但不感觉动力不足, 开起来非常SMOOTH, 开快, 车体下沉, 有欧洲车味道. 自动档显得不如5速. 总体来说, 我们非常IMPRESSED BY FOCUS, GIVEN IT IS FROM FORD
      • GIVEN it is from Ford??? Come on. You forgot Ford is the father of the modern auto industry.
          • Ford have many brands under its umbrella now, such as Jaguar, Volvo, Aston-Martin, Lincoln, Land Rover, Mazda. Some of them are really really good cars.
            • 哈哈, 我都不喜欢. 我喜欢HUMMER和法拉利, 都AFFORD不起, 所以也没啥烦恼
              • I like Jaguar a lot, my friend back in Boston will probably buy one. I should push him, then I could test drive it...haha
                • 为什么不去DEALER TEST DRIVE? 买不买先感觉一下吗. 在MIAMI, JAGUAR请LG的爸爸去TEST DRIVE, 还给$100礼物券, 买不买没关系. 这是他们对TARGET CUSTOMER的市场手段, 又学了一招
                  • test drive in dealer is no fun...too annoying..one of the most interesting thing to do in the states is to test friend's new car..not like here, we always buy different cars.
                    • this is my dream vehicle. After I win the lottery, I will buy one!
                      • HUMMER is not that expensive. U could afford it once u could make 200K/yr, not too far away..:)
                        • 呵呵, 用钱的地方很多呀, 花100K买辆车, 还是等中了彩票再说了.
                          • if u make 200K/yr, u don't have too much to buy..everything u buy will be luxary unnecessary items, such as big house, boat, etc.
                            • what happens if I want to retire soon? save money. voluntary simplicity. hehe
                              • i never thought about that part..:) coz' i don't wanna retire at 30, or even 40. what to do after that?
                                • work is only ONE thing, other than work there are infinite options. We want to travel around the world and live in a difference place we like. What do you think renting a RV around North America?
                                  What do you think studying art in Paris and music in Viena and cooking in Italy? hehe...too much fun you cannot refuse
                                  • i don't know art & music, and i don't like italy food..if i retire, i prefer to get a 四合院 in beijing..:P
                                    • life is short
                                      having a room full of books,
                                      drinking a cup of tea while reading
                                      enjoying the nature views and chatting with friends
                                      living in ease and confort
                                      life is short
                                      There is something money cannot buy
                                      • beyond that, there is master card..
                                        • just imaging..... so don't forget 649
                                        • and kids..
                                      • exactly like my room. Bi4 luo2 chun1, chat with speed and the other friends, listen to a1 jie2 gu3 (Tibet), watch the lightning outside. haha... happy
              • wow, Hummer......想起前两天办公室里......老外边讲边吃吃笑的神情.....
    • 前几天你干啥去了?往前面翻翻,刚说完。
    • BLOOR对不起, 把你的话题给搅和了, 不行你再重新起个头吧
      • Oh, never mind, I like your conversations. Besides, you and Egg have already give me the answer I want. Thanks.
    • If the prices are the close buy Corrola. Lasts longer.
      • 什么意思?