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  • 枫下家园 / 生活杂事 / 请问在加国怎样配眼镜?是否须先到医生那检查视力,凭医生处方才能配。
    • 拿医疗卡去医生处验光. 每年或者每两年一次, 免费. 如果你在一年内, 视力有变化, 验光也是免费. 拿了处方去眼镜店配. 在美国要US$30-50/验光.
      • 5555.自打到了加拿大,好象视力是变差了!MSP 还没生效,钱倒交了!
        • 那你也不错呀, MSP还没生效, 工作也找到了, 车也买了或者要买了. GOOD START!
          • 我哭我的眼睛啊!买车倒是在计划中,饺子推荐的Nissan Sentra 挺不错的!多谢!
      • eye exam should be covered by insurance. and if ur company has vision care, it covers one pair of glasses per year, or 200/yr for contacts.
      • Not true. In US you pay much more for 验光 if you do not have vision insurance. You pay $50 only if you have bought the insurance. The vision insurance usually costs $25 per month.