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  • 工作学习 / 事业工作 / 合同工辞职理由
    • 不需要理由,跟着感觉走吗, +2
    • When your boss told you that the ontract would not be renewable, you should have been told you could leave whenever you find new one. +5
    • 我给您提供个新思路: 同时做两份合同。只要好好谈,一切皆有可能。 +1
      • 如果不需要每天早九晚五到办公室报到,赚两份工钱当然是最好的选择。
      • 我就遇到这种情况。跟目前的公司谈,跟新公司谈一周工作四天一天9小时,跟现在公司谈一周一天,加起来挣得多了。两方面都解决了。 +5

        政府7.25 小时一天,完全可以搞个9小时,省去一天赚个外快。你目前的合同留着当外快最好。
    • 谢谢楼上回复,总觉得打2份工不好吧。我想给老板发个邮件说现在有另外一个fulltime OFFER了,基于家庭原因,准备去另外一家公司,没法在这边做FULLTIME了。如果需要我继续支持这个项目2个月,可以按实际时间CLAIM直到项目结束。如何
      • 这里应该有不少人打两份工,没有什么不好的,只要和雇主没有 conflict of interest 就可以了。 +1
        • 好的
    • My 2 cents +3
      It's very common that a consultant has to leave early for various reasons. Managers usually don't take it personal.

      IMHO, you may schedule a time with your manager. Tell him that you've got a new contract somewhere else. The new job could not be delayed by 2 months, therefore you have to take the new job soon. However, you'd like to make sure that there's minimum impact to your current project. You may offer to work part time on the current one, to make sure the transition goes as smooth as possible.
      • 好的
      • 如果在同一行业可能要小心一些,如果两个公司是竞争对手,应该会有conflict of interest,即使是“业余”时间也会有问题。。。
        • Yup! It's important to let the current manager know where the new contract is. If he has competition concern, OP would just go and take the new job.
    • 知道两个月会没有当前的工作了,还犹豫什么。当然你需要工作的话。