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  • 枫下沙龙 / 谈天说地 / 问有孩子的前辈一问题,当二口子都要上班,小孩的上学接送怎么办?有校车吗?还是找BABY SITTER?先谢了。。。
    • 忘了说地点了,我门马上会登陆 TOTRANTO。很担心小孩在CA上学的事,因在国内有老人帮着接送。
      • 唉。。。为了接送孩子,我只能上半天班了。
    • 咦,怎么没有家有上学的孩子。谁能回答我的问题呀????mike2000,你真的为了接送孩子,只上半天班吗? 还有没有别的办法???
      • 是啊,以前有我父母接送,现在他们回去了, 只有靠自己啦。
        • 你做什么工作啊?可以和老板说“我要接孩子,所以想上半天班。” 老板就会让你上半天班吗?如果真是这样,CA真是太好了。I like it.
          • half day, half pay.
    • Some schools have pre-school and/or after-school day care within the school. You can send your kid at about 7:00am and pick him/her at about 6:00pm. Teachers will send and pick the kids between day care and school.
      • thanks very much.
    • If both parents have to work, a daycare for a kid is definately needed. Some daycare will walk the kids to and from nearby schools, some arrange them taking the school bus, some don't do nothing.
      • 多谢Rollor,再问一下,daycare 是和学校挂钩的,还是要自己去找的。
        • DAYCARE都是非政府性的,必须自己找,给钱就可以上。公立学校是政府开的,也要自己联系,但只能选择自己家庭所在区的学校。
        • 从9月份开始, 我女儿上的学前班是上午8:30-11:15,然后,有daycare的老师接到哪里去吃午饭,在Daycare呆到15:15再接回家。