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  • 枫下家园 / 美食天地 / 请教一个困扰多年的问题,白立(找不到那个li字)为什么贵过黑立? 它们的养殖成本运输成本一样吗?
    • 听说吃的是避孕药不是安眠药。 +1
      • 安眠药是路上吃的,太active 了会缺氧而S
      • 口感上好像黑立比白立肚子肉肥一点,不知道吃没吃避孕药。
        • 肉越嫩说不定吃避孕药越多。
    • 我也想知道~~ 口感上好象黑的土腥味道重些
      • 定价的估计是极右翼,看来有必要发起黑立鱼命贵行动了。。 +3
    • 超市那帮人发明的汉字当然打不出来,大陆的叫法应该是非洲鲫鱼,罗非鱼,世界最出名的入侵物种,好养活,白黑红口感没区别。
      • 口感没区别为啥价钱差那么大?如果成本一样为啥不能只养白立利润高点?
        • 五毛钱差应该是中国超市欺负中国人喜欢白色红色,产业链上游控制在德州佬手里,从那里出来应该是一个价
          • 关键是黑立老有打折,白立很少,那就不止差五毛了
            • 狗了一下,我还是觉得一样
              • “Just like with any other animal,the taste and nutrition levels of Tilapia are heavily affected by the way they’re raised and what they’re fed. ..... While the type of Tilapia you’re eating may not matter to you, the way it’s raised should.”
              • “These 'muddy' or 'musty' flavors are normally caused by geosmin and 2-methylisoborneol, organic products of ubiquitous cyanobacteria that are often present or bloom sporadically in water bodies and soil.[47]
                ”These 'muddy' or 'musty' flavors are normally caused by geosmin and 2-methylisoborneol, organic products of ubiquitous cyanobacteria that are often present or bloom sporadically in water bodies and soil.[47] These flavors are no indication of freshness or safety of the fish, but they make the product unattractive to consumers. Simple quality control procedures are known to be effective in ensuring the quality of fish entering the market.“
              • Tilapia serve as a natural, biological control for most aquatic plant problems. Tilapia consume floating aquatic plants, such as duckweed watermeal (Lemna sp.),.
                Tilapia serve as a natural, biological control for most aquatic plant problems. Tilapia consume floating aquatic plants, such as duckweed watermeal (Lemna sp.), most "undesirable" submerged plants, and most forms of algae.[54] In the United States and countries such as Thailand, they are becoming the plant control method of choice, reducing or eliminating the use of toxic chemicals and heavy metal-based algaecides.
              • Arizona stocks tilapia in the canals that serve as the drinking water sources for the cities of Phoenix, Mesa and others. The fish help purify the water by consuming vegetation and detritus, greatly reducing purification costs.
              • 综上,我猜测,有“土腥味”的鱼,水体质量要差一些。立鱼的黑白肤色,难道是水质造成的?
                • utube找到在Oxford County加拿大的鱼厂,里面提到亚洲顾客喜欢白色,提到鱼运到多伦多,应该是咱们吃的鱼的一部分,enjoy
                  • 应该是很小一部分,保持水温成本很高,大多数还是从美国运来的吧
                    Tilapia are unable to survive in temperate climates because they require warm water. The pure strain of the blue tilapia, Oreochromis aureus, has the greatest cold tolerance and dies at 45 °F (7 °C), while all other species of tilapia will die at a range of 52 to 62 °F (11 to 17 °C).
    • 白立比黑里好吃
      • 如果成本差不多,大家又偏好白的,为啥不只卖白的呢?
        • 只卖白的,会不会涉嫌歧视?Trudeau内阁都要男女各半呢
        • 好歹黑的也能吃
          • 都是人工养殖的,养什么不是农场主说了算! 不过看起来,肤色不决定一切,重要的还是居住地,吃啥长大的最关键!
    • 只吃青斑,其他鱼都很腥
      • 现在青斑也腥,还肥.
    • 以前都叫金山鲗,0.99/磅,现在涨了几倍了。 +2
      • 20 years ago?