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  • 相约北美 / 移民留学 / 才拿到OFFER(到COLLEGE学ACCOUNTING),又得到面试通知(POSITION:SALES ADMINISTRATOR)……(详情见内)请大家帮忙讨论!
    • Of course you need to be interviewed for IBM job. Because now it is too early for you to select, that is They still do not decide whether recruit you or not. So go to interview, if succeed, then work, if not, no selection need.
    • u must be dreaming, in ca job is everything, anything else is nothing. 憧憬重回校园, then,
    • 哈哈,你和我正相反,我工作再没劲也得干,只要还有一条活路就不想重返校园...不过我对你的那个职位倒是很感兴趣,你在国内是做SALES 的吗?在这干SALES, ENGLISH 是不是要求特别高?我也想转行做SALES,IT 太累了
    • 得瑟什么
      • 世上多一个快活的人,不好吗?穷人也该定期吃肉,改善生活,增强体质,对不对?:D
        • 说的好听。如果是穷人的话,哪有钱买肉呢?*<|:-)
    • 工作,业余时间修读CGA课程。要想过校园生活的隐,college并不是最好的选择。
    • 学习的目的是为了工作,工作过程中更能学到很多学校学不到的东西。所以,第一选则是工作,找不到工作,或者工作不理想才去上学。当然,工作时可以继续深造。
    • 想必这位兄台有钱烧得不得了,如果可能,不如把IBM的机会让给其他需要工作的兄弟们吧!
    • What kind of academic program are you going for ? If it's a degree program in a good school, you should go for it.
      Your education background will follow you all your life, so it's better to get it done early. If you give up a good degree for the current work, you might end up being stuck with low-pay jobs the rest of your life. If it's not a degree program, then go to work, nobody will consider your education without a degree. Academia wise, degree is everything.
    • 阳光(小狐狸)MM,我觉得你现在操心这个问题有点过早.等到IBM哭着喊着非要你不可的时候,再来请GGJJDDMM参谋,如何?面试其实并不代表什么,当然还是要说一声:good luck.
    • Thanks for pyramid, pingle, rollar,..., and the guests. Whatever it is, I will try my best. Cross my hands and pray for you, my rolia friends.
      • You are welcome, good luck.