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  • 枫下茶话 / 社会政治 / 这家穆斯林,4个孩子,来了2年,还不能说英语,live in public housing and receive financial support and medical coverage,一天没工作过,居然还有EI拿 +1
    Say it with me now: Financial abuse of Canadians.
    How can someone who never worked apply and obtain Unemployment Insurance benefits.
    According to Michael Ferguson, the auditor general of Canada, TRUDEAU’S REFUGEES’ STRUGGLES AREN'T BEING MONITORED CLOSELY ENOUGH BY THE GOVERNMENT. Has Ferguson released a report on our Veterans, the Homeless, and Pensioners’ struggles?

    Fadel Ahmad came to Winnipeg as Trudeau’s Syrian sponsored refugee almost two years ago, and is unable to speak English and therefore hasn't been able to get a job. Ahmad, his wife and 4 children live in public housing and receive financial support and medical coverage. Now, employment insurance just covers the rent. Since when does EI pay benefits to someone who has never paid into it or earned it? Is this something new?
    • Maybe they attended Isis and now Isis is shutdown, so they are qualified for ei. +7
      • 请问你来加拿大多久才学会说英语的啊谢谢。*_* +1
    • 这显然是真主在展示奇迹啊 +6
    • Only four out of 2429 refugees in Dutch city of Rotterdam have full-time jobs. 95% is on welfare +1
    • 没有工作,就有时间打砸抢了。Brussels: Muslim migrants riot for the third time in two weeks +5
    • 魁北克人有种,今天大规模示威44 arrests made near Quebec City nationalist protests +2
      • 魁北克了不起了不起,1200个爱国者参加! 44个被抓的暴徒全部是antifa! +1
        Confirmed arrests from today's La Meute /Storm Alliance demonstration against Quebec Liberal Party in Qc City today:

        C'MON, I DARE YOU: Tell me again about " the Right is violent and the left is peaceful:

        44 arrests. ALL antifa. ZERO Patriots. Many of those arrested were found with illegal and concealed weapons

        Weapons found included:
        -Slingshots w/ steel ball bearings.
        -Iron pipes
        - Spray bottles with caustic liquids
        - Bearspray
        -Numerous knives
        -Improvised pyrotechnics
        -Extendable batons

        The State is finally coming down with an iron fist on these degenerate leftists.

        The Pack, as always, conducted itself with discipline, civilty, and lawful conduct.

        Way to go Wolves!!! Aaaaaooouuuu!!!!!!!

        • 爱国者patriot,在左左眼里,又名“纳粹极右白人至上种族主义”,怎么如此遵纪守法不打不砸?
    • 即便是领福利的穆斯林,也是省吃俭用资助恐怖分子Australia: Muslim on disability pension for obesity charged with sending money to Islamic State jihadis +6
      • 这不是大家学习的榜样吗?刻苦,坚定,不成功不罢休。
        • 有志者事竟成
          • 人家中年人还这么努力地学英语希望能找到工作啊没好吃懒做。
      • 没看到他给加拿大带来了四个未来的劳力啊。
        • 大仙你好,这你都算出来了。
          • 人家女儿能说流利英语啊还当爸爸的翻译啊。
            • 会说英语就是劳动力,你看街边上找你要change的哪个不会英语? +3
              • 也是啊要饭的基本都说本地英语没口音啊。
    • 没工作过咋有EI啊是不是政府给叙利亚难民的一种特殊津贴啊。
      • 保党保粉之共同特点,缺乏逻辑性。随口乱吐。 +2
        • 你咋看啊怎么从未工作过却可以得EI啊啥意思啊。
          • 保守党员什么时候说话有过逻辑? +1
            • 看一下原文啊他确实没工作过啊却拿EI啊。 +1
              Unable to speak English, Ahmad hasn't been able to get a job, so he works every day to learn the language of his new home, taking English classes through a federally funded course.

              His family lives in public housing and received financial support for the first year. Now, employment insurance just covers the rent.
              • 没说他没工作过。
                • Ahmad hasn't been able to get a job, so he works every day to learn the language of his new home, taking English classes through a federally funded course
                  • EI 是保险,不是政府福利。
                    • 工作的人失业了才有EI啊叫失业金啊没工作过咋拿到的啊。 +1
                      • 不用钻牛角尖,写这个东东的人不是没搞清楚就是表达不清。
                        • 你是对的啊写新闻的可能在说OW啊OW确实只能cover租金钱很少啊。
                          • 也许是用右脑写的,目的是忽悠。
                    • 没工作过的可申请OW(Ontario Works)福利啊但不可能有EI啊。 +1