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  • 枫下家园 / 人到中年 / 喝咖啡时间上来瞄一眼,发现博士们又在为性事争吵。嘿嘿,贴点性科学知识为大家扫扫盲。--Human sexual response

    Human sexual response is depicted as a motivation/incentive-based cycle of overlapping phases of variable order. A sense of desire may or may not be present initially: it can be triggered alongside the sexual arousal resulting from attending to sexual stimuli. Sexual arousal comprises subjective (pleasure/excitement/wanting more of the same) and physical (genital and non-genital responses). Psychologic and biologic factors influence the brain's appraisal of the sexual stimuli. The sexual and non-sexual outcomes influence present and future sexual motivation. ANS, autonomic nervous system.


    • The sexual response cycle may be weakened

      The sexual response cycle may be weakened at all stages by neurologic disease. Incentives lessen as intimacy between partners is altered and expectation of reward fades. Reduced sensation and mobility limit the effectiveness of stimulation. Attention to stimuli is interrupted by distractions about illness or sexual outcome or by difficulties in concentration. Appraisal of stimuli is negatively affected by depression, medication, or pain, thereby precluding subjective arousal. A sense of desire may not be triggered. Autonomic involvement limits physical arousal and orgasm. The outcome is unsatisfactory and lessens any future motivation. ANS, autonomic nervous system.


    • Brain areas activated during sexual arousal

      Brain areas activated during sexual arousal to allow: (1) continued focus on sexual stimuli, imaging of sexual behavior, evaluation/censorship, and limitation or prevention of actual behavior despite arousal (all constituting a cognitive component of arousal); (2) sexual feelings (an emotional component); (3) anticipation of reward (a motivational component); and (4) an autonomic/ neuroendocrine response of physical sexual arousal.


    • 就是说正常情况下柳下惠是不存在的。
      • “正常”是一个很难界定的词语,在医学上我们不用正常二字,而是用“参考”二字。论坛上的争吵很大程度上是大家以自己作为参考人群,以个人体验和价值作为“正常”标准来评判他人的行为。不同个体大脑的几种多肽Oxytocin/Dopamine等直接决定了不同人的性行为方式。 +2
        Decades of research have outlined oxytocin’s ability to enhance intricate social activities ranging from pair bonding, sexual activity, affiliative preferences, and parental behaviors. The precise neural mechanisms underlying oxytocin’s influence on such behaviors have just begun to be understood. Research suggests that oxytocin interacts closely with the neural pathways responsible for processing motivationally relevant stimuli. In particular, oxytocin appears to impact dopaminergic activity within the mesocorticolimbic dopamine system, which is crucial not only for reward and motivated behavior but also for the expression of affiliative behaviors.
        • "直接决定"不一定对吧,其实神经系统,包括你前面提及的ANS,对所有的器官活动都是起主要控制作用的,神经传输电信号,而电信号在细胞活动中也是主控。
          • 谢谢更正。应该用“影响”二字。
            • 再具体点好不好?是直接影响还是间接影响?
              • 你认为血糖低和进食之间的关系是直接影响还是间接影响?
                • 间接决定的关系
                  • 那这里也可以认为是间接了。
                    • 哈哈
    • 扫盲不彻底
      • 简单说,肉联上无聊发帖的老头,基本上都是神经功能紊乱,无法进行正常性活动,只能在发帖中寻求快感。 +7
        • 也不能这么说。
          • 英文就是这个意思。
            • 为什么仅仅是老头? 文章里面好像没有性别描述。。。
      • 基本的意思就是性不仅是身体的事,也是大脑的事。
    • Human sexual response cycle
    • http://humanbehaviors.free.fr/References%20-%20Articles/The%20human%20sexual%20response%20cycle%20%20Brain%20imaging%20evidence%20linking%20sex%20to%20other%20pleasures%20-%20PN_Georgiadis2012.pdf
      • 周末刚看了一本小说"Lives of the saints",是讲的发生在意大利的一个小村庄的故事,
        • 你的这个帖子足以否定俺以前对你的判断。
          • 我从来不在乎别人对我如何判断。
            • 我也是,所以你真不用那么判断我。
              • 嗯,那我们就和谐了。
                • 没问题。
    • a computer scientist's paper
      • 回这么多贴是想说明你也懂性?性的正反馈通路处于正常状态?
        • 正不正常俺老婆说了算,目前是很协调的。
          • 所以你只需要在老婆面前表现就行了,不用来网上挥打棒了,因为别人是否正常也是由自己的性伴侣和配偶说了算。
            • 这个我不管,我想说就得说两句,并且,这事儿还没完涅。
            • 有得就必须有失,俺坚持这一点。晚安吧。
              • 晚安!
        • 我向来不看小说,只看数据的。回这么多帖子,是想说这玩意儿是有更量化一点儿的研究的。
          • 哈哈,这方面的研究多于牛毛,要贴的话贴可以贴上几千篇。
            • 是滴。再上面那个帖子就是篇综述。