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  • 枫下茶话 / 美国话题 / 这周的Paycheck, 联邦的预扣税已经减少了近200刀,还以为老板偷着给我涨工资了呢。党的政策亚克西
    • 一周的税能减两百,一年就是减1万的税,这个要30万以上的工资?
      • 这周到的,可能是月薪,半月薪,或双周薪。 三十万的年薪混rolia?
        • 三十万的年薪为什么不混rolia?
    • Itemized deductions include not only real estate tax,
      but also mortgage interest, investment fee, donation, unreimbursed employee expense, medical (exceeding 10% AGI), and w-2 state tax withholding. Therefore, usually most of the high income people used itemized, instead of standard deduction.