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  • 枫下茶话 / 社会政治 / 记住这个经验,昨天对 TorStar 误导性标题反击取得小小成功,说明电话是最快速有力的工具。另外也别忘了推特。川普现在几乎不需要新闻发布官,避免信息被 hoax +8
    • 向小艾同学表示感谢!感谢她的快速行动! +24
      • 拿出行动,请转发。人多力量大。 +2
        Hi Fatima,
        I’ve read your story “Attack on a girl wearing a hijab didn’t happen, police say. But why did the TDSB let the tearful 11-year-old face the cameras?”
        But I found you are one of the reporter, who wrote this “Attack on a girl wearing a hijab didn’t happen, police say. But why did the TDSB let the tearful 11-year-old face the cameras?” on the thestar. You post her face on this article, so why did you ask the TDSB?
        If your medias are not so desperately looking for the proof of the Islamophobia is very widespread in Canada, why the school board was so eager to do it? Ask yourself. Why so many media published this fake news so quick without any investigating?
    • 也感谢阿拉同学在第一时间提供了英文稿,为在英文媒体发声及时提供了草稿! +11
    • 人多力量大!大家齐心协力都去投诉,他们就有压力。举报,推特,电话都要同时进行。 +14
      • 向小艾同学学习 lol +5
      • 赞! +2
      • 为你打call! +2
      • 赞小艾 +1
        • 谢谢楼上亲们,其实不是我,是咱肉友们团结给力!昨天大家太齐心协力了,给咱肉友们点一百个赞!! +1
          • 还是小艾牵了个头,提醒了大家,赞! +1
    • 这是不把政治坛整成第二个金秋不罢休的节奏?要不乘热打铁,立马成立个爱爱党,和穆斯林拼了? 把Toronto Star这主流都搞定了,穆斯林算个啥? +10
      • 华人的这种行为不过是和乞丐抢食,缺乏道义,愚昧的政治自杀 +3
        • 虽然华人富了,但华人到那里,那里就烦他们,韩国,台湾,日本,巴里岛,欧洲,因为太多自以为是的人了,他们可以理志气壮拦高铁,他们可以我行我素。 +1
          • 虽然华人政治弱势,豪车豪宅的华人经济上却给人很强势的感觉,,这时候急不可待的和穆斯林去抢最弱族群地位,其他族会怎么看,主流会怎么看 -- 开个宝马去领食物卷 +2
          • 飞机都拦的,高铁算个屁。只要有目的,都可以找借口,如同你现在骂华人的目的?
            • 你看到我骂华人了?拦飞机算个p, 你带领敢死队去拦一架试试,算你有血气,明天全世界都关注你。
              • 你是没喊出“操XX”,但别人就看不出骂的意思吗?
              • 飞机被拦已经是发生过的事了。别大惊小怪的。
      • 有人连乞丐都骗,为了啥?
    • 给窝肉联的老头老太们: “不时看看新闻的,就会很清楚,中途改标题是个常事儿。有些是因为后续事态或内容的变化,有些是因要吸引读者,有些是发表时扣个关注点等等,当成稀罕事大事的,只能呵呵了 -littlesweetbean(Café); 09:58”
      • 就连超市免费中文小报都有Report the error这功能,这对肉联年薪20万,高智商高情商高学历的还是新鲜事儿,太有趣。:) +8
        • 英语不好别瞎掰掰 - 那叫 ‘Report an error' +1
          • 谢指正,这不,上肉联还能学英语,多好。 +1
            • 丢人现眼的。不嫌寒搀 +1
              • 敢冲到穆斯林跟前,骂他们?量你没那胆。你也就只敢在肉联怂。:) +7
                • 你心里有太多的恨。同情你。 +1
          • 请老师指正,代谢。 +1
            Hi Fatima,
            I’ve read your story “Attack on a girl wearing a hijab didn’t happen, police say. But why did the TDSB let the tearful 11-year-old face the cameras?”
            But I found you are one of the reporter, who wrote this “Attack on a girl wearing a hijab didn’t happen, police say. But why did the TDSB let the tearful 11-year-old face the cameras?” on the thestar. You post her face on this article, so why did you ask the TDSB?
            If your medias are not so desperately looking for the proof of the Islamophobia is very widespread in Canada, why the school board was so eager to do it? Ask yourself. Why so many media published this fake news so quick without any investigating?
    • 粉丝们咋不给力?来呀,加把火,把贴整热。:)
    • 给fatima的公开信,请大家立马群发。 +2
      vega_lee (天津包子-就不改)

      Hi Fatima,
      I’ve read your story “Attack on a girl wearing a hijab didn’t happen, police say. But why did the TDSB let the tearful 11-year-old face the cameras?”
      But I found you are one of the reporter, who wrote this “Attack on a girl wearing a hijab didn’t happen, police say. But why did the TDSB let the tearful 11-year-old face the cameras?” on the thestar. You post her face on this article, so why did you ask the TDSB?
      If your medias are not so desperately looking for the proof of the Islamophobia is very widespread in Canada, why the school board was so eager to do it? Ask yourself. Why so many media published this fake news so quick without any investigating?
    • 这件成功迫使星报修改文章的事情不能只Rolia的读者知道,应该上报纸让全加拿大的华人知道。 -graywolf(英俊的大灰狼); 1-17 22:13 (#11298924@0 +2
    • 建议小小艾以后每天找个话题,咱们去吵吵闹闹的。反正闲着也是闲的 -littlepal(xoxo); 1-17 17:30 (#11298083@0), 人多力量大。 +1
      • 这么闲还有二十万拿,还不满足啊,非要把多伦多搞成阶级斗争新战场。