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  • 枫下茶话 / 社会政治 / https://www.thespec.com/news-story/8075251-an-attacker-did-not-cut-her-hijab-police-say-but-why-did-the-tdsb-let-the-girl-face-the-cameras-/
    • 还有! +2
    • NEWS Jan 16, 2018 by Fatima Syed and Jenna Moon Toronto Star Hamilton Spectator +2
    • hamilton spectator
    • 本人已经写了投诉信,发给Toronto Star和相关子公司媒体的总编辑,要求更正,并狠狠地怂了一下那两个写稿子的编辑,其中借用了一下网友的比喻,哈哈。 +6
      本文发表在 rolia.net 枫下论坛I have noticed that on various media outlets belonging to Toronto Star, there are some inaccurate reports, such as:

      Hamilton Spectator / Metroland Media:

      The title says "An attacker did not cut her hijab, police say. But why did the TDSB let the girl face the cameras?".

      The report is written by: Fatima Syed and Jenna Moon (Toronto Star)

      The title is totally wrong as it is not telling the truth. What the police said is that "the attack never happened", thus there is no attacker at all.

      Saying that "An attacker did not cut her hijab" would imply that the 'attack' happened, and there is an 'attacker', which is totally inaccurate and misleading. This is basically the same as saying, "Justin Trudeau did not cut her hijab", how rediculous is that?!

      If Fatima Syed and Jenna Moon cannot write an accurate title for a report, then maybe they should not be in the profession of journalism.

      Hereby I protest against the unprofessional conduct by Fatima Syed and Jenna Moon, misleading the readers in this way is unprofessional, unethical, and is totally unacceptable!

      I am demanding Fatima Syed and Jenna Moon, Metroland Media Group, Hamilton Spectator, and all subsidiaries of Toronto Star, to make corrections to your reports across all your media outlets.更多精彩文章及讨论,请光临枫下论坛 rolia.net
      • V5!!! +3
      • 贴一下能找到的Toronto Star及相关子媒体的总编辑电子邮件地址: +3
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