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  • 工作学习 / 外语学习 / 我说系统呀,那个帖子我删了
    • 规范发帖的分类管理的同时,能否也照顾一下发帖人的意愿呀:)
      • Obviously you're an I.T. (Information Technology) expert. You know how important it is to organize information. :)
        • 老大,理解你的工作。我的专业离IT差了2万8千里,所以才这么个句子都翻译不出来,惭愧呀
    • using open VC to code on VS2008, for an application to covert car license plate from an image to a string in order to store it into the database,?
      • 非常感谢,你还记得
    • Is it the job description of a freelance project? On VS2008 IDE, using Open CV as programming language, develop a system that captures vehicle plates in images, recognizes plate numbers, and saves them to database.
      • 谢谢,学习了,老大就是老大:)
    • 谢谢楼上朋友的回复。Happy Family Day!