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  • 枫下家园 / 生活杂事 / 听说有规定,2大人+1小孩必须租2bedroom的Apartment,想租1bedroom,需骗他们说没有小孩,是不是真的?如果以后发现多了1个小孩,会不会赶我们出去?
    • I think it is true. There were postings talking about this in this forum. But mostly no one would pay attention to your life if you are careful enough.
    • But many people I known do not like that. They live on one layer of a house which only cost $300.
    • 1、该规定不存在。2、如果房东的条件是无孩夫妇,比如说他怕孩子吵闹,你就不能带孩子进去,否则就是违反协定了。你可以在租房前跟他协商,看他会不会同意你带孩子入住。
      • 谢谢各位回答。我主要是指Apartment,据说是2大人+1小孩只租1bedroom没有达到什么居住标准,小孩活动空间不够,所以正规的公寓都不租给你,要你租2bedroom才够标准。有没有这种说法?
        • 没有.
        • 好像有吧, 我记得火姐伙夫说起过的
          • 既然你这么说,那好吧。也许有吧,我找房过程中没遇到过。我现在一家三口住一个一睡房的公寓。
            • 大概因为你们家天天还小
        • 有.加拿大规定每个小孩都要有自己的房间.所以如果有一个小孩,要租二房,两个小孩租三房.除非你隐瞒有小孩的事实,正规的公寓管理处不会租你一房的.
          • 什么规定?
          • 有吗?我现在也是一家三口住ONE BEDROOM,没听说有这个规定啊
            • 我住的楼就不允许带孩子的夫妇住一房.我承认,规定是规定,现状是现状.但是,你知道那些住的人租的时候,把孩子算在LEASE里面了吗?所以我说,要住的话,只能隐瞒.有些管理很差或很松的公寓可能也懒得理这事.
              • 澄清一下,我的意思是说,要想租,只能隐瞒.可是,隐瞒的后果自负.有可能很严重.看饺子在楼下的帖子.另:我的朋友的孩子只有五岁,大厦管理处也不允许他们租一房.可能不是每个楼一样,租时问清楚比较好,免得以后麻烦.
        • 我也没听说有这个规定,可能不同公寓的规定不同,有带小孩的朋友还租了bachelor呢。
        • 我想是没有这样的规定的.那会儿和我一起住移民接待站的两户人家,都有一个孩子,找的都是1 bedroom.
        • 1-bedroom is only for max 2 people. Some apartment buildings are more strict than others. If you don't tell them, they have the legal rights to ask you to leave unless they agree.
          • If the child doesn't make lots of noise, normally they just put up with it. But if they ask you to leave, you have to leave due to not disclosing the information
    • When I rent the apartment, the superintedent asked me how old my son was. My son was 20 months old at that time, so she said one-bedroom is OK. I heard that someone was required to rent two-bedroom because her son was 12 years old.