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  • 枫下拾英 / 心情随笔 / 各位,当时如果是你会怎样做? (转贴 chinasmile)
    昨天在油站加油,停好车,当时我的车前面停辆NISSAN-PATHFINDER,我们车头对头.我拿起油枪正要加油,突然那车'笛笛'按喇叭.我一抬头,那车里面副驾驶位子坐者个年轻白人,很腼腆的那种.驾驶员可是个中国女孩,披肩发,瓜子脸,长的不赖.好似江浙一代的美女.要不就是个上海小姐.(我只是形容漂亮,不代表就是南方人,没别的意思).看她样子有点厉害.只见她两手 在方向盘上冲我一摊,一脸的傲气+愤怒和不高兴,嘴里哇啦哇啦,听是听不见,大概是说"你为什末挡了我的路..."
    我当时记得清楚,我下车的时候,她刚从旁边过,大概是交完钱刚从STATION出来.本来我看是同族女士,下意识就要跑回车里给她让路,可心里真她TNND的不舒服.你不就是'嫁'了个龟老吗.这就按喇叭叫人让路.再说你后面没停一辆车,你BACK一下不就开出去了.我觉得她就是要耍威风.要我是个白人,她敢! 她那个'男朋友'把脸侧到一边,装看别的.这时候,就是我们的华夏女儿在冲我摆手,让我放下油枪,回到车里,给她让路.
    • 不让
    • 就不给她让路,看她怎么办。在多论多遇到过好几件被同族女性歧视的事,这些人扎到白人堆里,往往比白人对同胞歧视得更厉害。
    • 根本不理, 不因为中或西, 通不让, 我一贯如此。
      • 原文作者也有自己的问题
        • and he is pumping the gas!!!, he still (stops pumping) and yielding? the author is submissive or scarred or anything else?
    • 没人会让。
    • 办法一:让路,让路前非常有礼貌地走过去告诉她的男友,如此不幸找到这样刁蛮的女孩,说不定哪一天让路的是他了!办法二:不让路,叽喱瓜拉说它一些自己也听不懂的日文,让他们以为你是无礼的日本人。
      • 不让路并不是无礼的表现,为什么要装成日本人?
        • 1931年9月18日晚10时许,日本关东军驻南满铁路守备队柳条湖分遣队,炸毁了南满铁路沈阳北郊柳条湖一段路轨,反诬中国军队破坏。11时许,日军大举向东北军驻地北大营进攻,震惊中外的“九一八”事变爆发。你说说看,咱给小日本栽这点赃算什么?
          • 他是说,这不是栽赃,不用装,要栽就栽更黑的。
          • 等我去了我就找警察,说日本人杀了人。
            • 太历害了!
        • 我心痛:坛子的朋友说咱中国人自己欺负自己人,痛!从北美回来的人也说中国人是比较差劲,要经过几代人的改造,更痛!!所以到了北美我会时刻提醒自己别给中国丢脸。当然个位别误会,我不是说不让路就是无礼。
    • 最烦这种欺负自己人的乐,不让,就是不让。
      • 哈,说话要小心奥,考这个字在这可是算骂人的脏话。另外mail给你发过了。
        • s猪不怕开水烫,反正不是第一次被砍了... anyway, thank you for ur info.
          • 为什么最近不浮躁了?难道找到心上人了?
            • 是远离了心上人,心情沉重的开始谋生啊!
        • 俺也说句脏话:”考托福!考雅斯!“ 一连说两个”考“
          • 别以为我傻,我知道你想说的是:”考!托福!考!雅思!“呵呵,肠子这么斯文的人也说脏字了:P
    • 有一点疑问, 你不知道她在说什么, 怎么知道她是中国女孩?
    • Noway!! Let her go to the hell !!!
    • NISSAN-PATHFINDER是什么车? 要多少钱啊?
      • Nissan's V6 SUV, very similiar to INFINITY Q4, but on the lower end, higher than Xterra. Base price: 38,000-45,000, all together, 43000-52000
    • If she is rude, why do you want to be rude too? If I were you, either I would just ignore her and do whatever I was doing, or just let her go. No big deal. If somebody is rude, you don't need to be rude.
      • If she is nude, why do you want to be nude too? If I were you, either I would just ignore her and do whatever I was doing, or just let her go. No big deal. If somebody is nude, you don't need to be nude.
        • haha...you are good at playing with words. good job
    • I don't think this is out of any kind of discrimination.
      It's a common thing everyday. You get all sorts of people around you, some are mean, some are sensitive, some are nice. I would just back up my car and let her go first, cause it doesn't make sense to let them wait doing nothing until you finish up.
      • totally agree. Don't be too sensitive. It happens everyday to everyone.
    • 何不潇洒一点?(各位看进来)
      • The point is this guy was not 潇洒. He just went away quietly.
    • It depends who was driving in the wrong direction. It would be shameful to blame the person who is following the rule of the society.
      My Chinese fellow,

      Be sure not to screw up the rule which has been set up and followed through hundred years in Canada.

      Even I am a Chinese, but I still think we have to follow the way that Canadian is following to keep this society a comfortable environment for everyone.

      If I were you, I will not drive in the wrong direction and if that girl did, don't hesitate to give her a shout.