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  • 枫下沙龙 / 谈天说地 / 今天樱桃去摘樱桃喜获丰收, 拿了两大篮又紫又大的樱桃回家. 第一次知道,原来樱桃树是这么大呀, 呵呵... 之后又去了Niagra Falls, 和冬天的风景相比真是别有风味. 唯一不足的就是天气太热了:<<
    • where did you go, can I have the address? and website?
      • http://www.puddicombefarm.com/
        • You are great Cherrygal, can you give me directions on how to get there?
          sorry, the website doesn't tell me much, what time do they open and what do you think is the best time of the day to get there?

          if possible, I would detail directions on how to get there, thank you
          • 从QEW向大瀑布方向走,过hamilton之后, take fifth rd, 高速上有这个农场的sigh. 然后下高速向右转, take hwy8,路上都有明确的sigh. 我觉得这两天去最好,因为我摘的一些都熟透了.
            • hi,我们也是今天上午去的这个农场呢。樱桃好象有不止一种,不仅有紫红色的,还有黄色的,略酸。也很美味。有一种很小的大红色的,是用了做罐头的,很酸。
            • Thanks a lot, you are most wonderful, just to trouble you a bit more, I would like to verify my understand of the directions with you, please correct me
              so I go West on QEW, I go pass Hamilton(how long would that take?),
              there is an exit called "Fifth Road", and Fifth Road is another highway, then I will see the sign for Puddicombefarm, and there will be an exit for it, so i get off on that Puddicombefarm exit on Fifthroad, I turn right (is that north or south?), then I turn onto Hwy 8, but which way do I go on Hwy 8? north or south? please reply, thanks a lot
              • 这是YAHOO上的地图,你可以看一下,很详细
                • 不好意思,这是从我家去的,你可以直接在YAHOO上查地图,只需输入那个地方的zip code就可以了
                  • zip code? but we are Canadians
                • thanks a lot, you are great, good map, it's a shame that i have never been on the qew, just one more question
                  can you recall how did you go from the QEW TO 50RD? did you keep right? then go south on 50RD right?
                  • From QEW, take Fifty Rd. south 2 km to Hwy. 8. Turn left on Hwy. 8 and go 1 km. Farm is on right, across from cemetery. Open Mon. - Fri. 8 am - 8 pm; Sat. & Sun. 8 am - 5 pm.
    • 樱桃树?我们上个星期才去,那不叫树。
      • give me some info on where to go ar
    • 你上树了吗?
      • 当然,我拿着梯子爬了好高呢.
        • 靠近地面的也有很大个的樱桃,因为是往往被眼睛忽视的区域。:)
    • 在温哥华有这样的活动么?我也想吃新鲜水果啊:)
      • http://www.classifiedsbc.com/classifiedsbc/results-merchandise.html?ck=983
      • 采草莓啊,上礼拜我们才草莓去了,好多好多。
        • 5555
    • Are there any cherry farm near Toronto.