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  • 枫下沙龙 / 谈天说地 / Slim PIggy is the now the self-proclaimed Official Commentary of Rolia, me cousin pronounce Sho Zhu
    • What's your meaning? Anyway you must study how to input Chinese first.
      • How to input Chinese, I want to learn, I am using Win98SE
        • Go to Microsoft website, download IE5.5 or 6 setup, choose custermize instead of standard, check Simplified/ traditional Chinese input/display, download and install, then you can input Chinese by Pin Ying here on web.
          For Word input, go to software shop, buy a Richwin Support, then you can input and read Chinese both for internet and Office.
    • Eglish?
    • Cousin Aiya Kar, it should be shou zhu and commentator instead. Pay attention to you spelling, Cousin!
      • 大家宽容点好不好?苗条朱先生也是因为喜欢这里才常来的。谢谢。
        • 不是我不宽容,我认为香港朱表弟应该学好普通话,才能更好地与大陆表哥交流(上次在HK碰到一位TAXI表弟,居然听不懂表哥我的普通话,让我颇费周折。)。
          • 我说的宽容就是这个意思,允许别人有些毛病。如果你能容忍我时常误敲的错别字的话,请容忍这位朱先生(或女士)。对于有些人的口音,比如什么“俺”、“啥”的,我也不习惯。但都是中国文化的一部分,谁让中国幅员那么辽阔呢?谢谢。
            • it is apparent that Rollor is my new best pal
              • 对事不对人,大家都是哥们儿。
            • 看来俺得改改俺的口音了。
              • 我也有口音。我们家那儿嘿儿说我时不念 wo,而是汉字写不出来的那么一个音儿,反不如你们这样,可以用个俺字儿表达。
          • here's a openly, self-admitted racist, can't even put up with his fellow chinaman
        • 同意rollor的态度。我们去香港时他们听不懂普通话,所以不得不用蹩脚的粤语甚至英语与他们交流,但是香港人还是十分热情和乐于助人的。
          • 对,我们在香港、新加坡,虽然交流有困难,但是我们遇到的人都很热情。
            • 新朋友进入坛子,最希望有人及时回贴并充满着热情,哪怕我们并不能帮到他们。
          • 不敢苟同。我在香港,见到的脸之热情的笑脸:不屑的衰脸=6:4
            • 我们去过两次香港,可能是比较幸运的缘故?
      • aiya, me no smart individual ar, me can't even tell between commentator and commentary ar, me ashamed, let's all speak Chinglish ar, good ar good ar
        • 你写了这么多的ar是什么意思?
          • it's my Chinglish accent ar, ar, ar,
      • I really have trouble understanding you, please speak Chinglish
        • I'm not sort of a racist ,as you thought. I just think you should learn to speak PUTONGHUA, so as to better understand cousins like me. Last
          I'm not sort of a racist ,as you indicated. I just think you should learn to speak PUTONGHUA, so as to better understand cousins. Last time when I was in HK, I was astounded to find, a Taxi cousin could not even understand my mandarin and I had lots of trouble made myself understood by him.
          • I mean my cousin, Gayla, who was the topic of our previous discussion, told me that my name is Shou Zhu, but you, being a disgusting racist that you are, stuffed your mind with thoughts of
            calling everyone a COUSIN, which I understand is a negative descriptive to us fellow chinamen.

            Learn to speak Chinglish and grow out of your INFERIORITY COMPLEX
    • Pyramid and Pocket is a pair of Racist, can't even put up with their fellow chinamen, I am apalled to say the least
      • who do you call a racist? you don't even know the definition of the word "racist". if you really like to be a part of a group, try your best to get used to the group, not ask the group to get used to you.
      • It is not you or any individual who have the right to say what I am. Do you really think you are the commentator and everyone should agree you because you are a banana?