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  • 工作学习 / IT杂谈 / 我有两年多大公司Oracle Application 维护开发经验.对Oracle Database & Programming 都还可以.不知这方面工作机会在canada怎么样?请指教.
    • These kind pure people are flooding in North America due to red-hot economy past several years.
      • You words are "当头一棒“ for me as well.
        • Most转行 are in pure software.Every year 70-80k chinese immigrant come to Canada, most of them are in pure software.That means 20k people on market every year. Additionally, Indian do the same thing.
          • 请原谅我的好奇与无知,你所说的每年70k-80k中国移民的数字从何处得来,而且还是大部分工作在pure software?请在论坛中查找加拿大移民部公布的官方“真实”数字。
            • from World daily
            • I remember it is a little more than 20k. BTW, who knows why Canadian government wants to absorb even more new immigrants when there are not enough jobs for them?
              • 20k-30k visa from Beijing. also many from Hongkong,or Baffulo.
                • Please don't guess it by yourself. #20224
          • Who cares 70k or 80k each year? It is none of my business. My destination is Edmonton, Alberta. Extremely few new immigrants choose this city. I guess there come 0.03k or 0.04k new immigrants each year.
        • It seems you just realize it ???? There are so many articles and talks about the hart time of IT in North America. I remember one people said it might just be the begining of a nightmare of IT. Who knows! Maybe things will be worse :-(
          • why so sad? I think gold can blink everywhere.
            • I heard this saying many times in this forum, ........
              and I have said it many times to my friends. We are all good at what we are doing now and believe our abilities as we are ethlit. But that doesn't mean we won't meet difficulties in Canada and we should not take it seriously. I'd rather think more on what I will do if I cannot find a job and do as much preparation as I can now.
              • How about changing to System Admin or Networking? I always think that programming is good for chinese to entry but very painful when you will be old.
                For some reason, very chinese can be Architect or manager. Most have to do software blue collar work.
              • thank you for advice. I will take it seriously.
                • Too many system admins already! 已滥掉, 已烂掉.
      • 谢谢指教.不知ERP工作薪水怎样?
        • very high. But high English requirment.
    • 请大家帮忙!