


  • 工作学习 / English / Jabber's English Note---004
    If we ask others for help and they happen not to be of any assistance, we may say "Anyway, thank you", or "Thank you, anyway". Of course, this is common sense and we should not show off using these simple English sentenses.

    Occasionally, we may hear people say " Thank you, though." I can bet not all the Chinese Engish speakers know this fact. Of course, it is not a big issue for us if we have not noticed such an expression.
    • Thank you, though, D'oh
    • Thank you all the same
      Another expression under same circumstance.
    • Another interesting note is how to response when people say "thank you"
      • double thank you you
      • I say " You are more than welcome!".
    • This is 004, I hope to see 999 soon, then you can publish a book. Hope not so expensive and I will buy one.