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  • 相约北美 / 移民留学 / I passed interview and ME for 4 months and today I get an email from BJ-immigration counsellor
    --"Dear Applicant
    This is to confirm that we have received the landing fee payment. Your file is currently under review. Please be very patient and wait for our correspondence.
    -(for) Minister-Counsellor Immigration"

    Can this mail be treat as substitute of lending-fee-receipt? What does they mean" under review"?
    • 有明白人赶紧给他说道说道。我是不明白,明白我就说了
      • thank you just the same!
    • 天哪,刚发出帖子,refresh之后发现已经排在很后面了,想必是那边的同志们都在积极工作的缘故吧! 因为等LP,我已经等到心痛,今收到此信,望知情者为我指点迷津,谢谢!
      • It looks like a receipt. But my agent said my receipt was received just three weeks after I sent it to them. I don't know why it took you four months?
        • 我主要想知道Your file is currently under review是否另外有什么含义,因为面试时,移民管与我交谈应该说很顺畅(在北京20分钟),最后还说祝我。。。,难道会有什么变故吗?
          • Sorry, since I never receive such kind of letter, I can't say more. But don't worry too much, I think it will be ok. Just be patient and good luck to you.
          • 我觉得不必担心, 大概他们忘了你的CASE或者太忙了. 现在既然知道了, 应很快就给你处理了. 象好事.
          • After the medical examination result and other documents received, the case will be pending for review by the officer. So the review is only a regular process and do not worry about it. But this kind of letter is really alien, I have never heard of it.
            • 我相信其他人不一定会收到此信,要知道有半个月里我每天给北京使馆发2EMAIL,1FAX,并1周内连发2封挂号信,这是我辛劳的结果啊!! 但我仍有担心会背景调查,因为人员变动较大,万一。。。
    • 重要的事放前面吧
      • 现在ONLINE的可能都是已经在这里的人,他们不一定知道这个问题的答案,国内都睡觉了,还是过6到7个小时再问吧?
    • 你是发了EMAIL查询吗? 我觉得用这做LANDING FEE收据不妥吧. 似乎他只是在告诉你你的进程.
    • based on the content, there is no problem with the processing of your case. The only thing you need to do is waiting and waiting untill the arrival of your LP. My suggestion is that you check counseller if they will send paper corrospondence later.
    • 希望只是时间上拖后点儿,别出什么大事,谢谢各位。
      • 是你的总是你的。急也没用。安心过你在国内的最后几天吧。:D