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  • 相约北美 / 移民留学 / 请问如果箱子尺寸超过158CM,会不会有问题?大概是170CM左右大小。
    • 太大了。
      • 商店卖的30寸的行李箱,如果算上轱辘162cm,行吗? (不算轱辘158cm)。
        • 就是它!
    • 别一个萝卜一个坑,尺寸别差得太多就行了。但是不要超重。
      • 各位,170cm 算不算差的太多?
        • It is too big.
          • 啊、阿。。。,那便如何是好?出关时候会被罚款吗? 罚多少知道吗?
            • You won't like it. It will be more than 500RMB. Call the airline company to get the latest information in detail.
              • right feifei, i really dont like it.
          • 商店卖的21寸的箱子能不能随身登机?
            • It depends on how many people in the airplane.
              I was stopped at the door of the plane entrance. They said there were too many people in this plane and there was no spare space. As a result, one of my bags which was almost 21 inches didn't go with me. Anyway, I didn't pay extra money for it.
              • 你意思是不是你那21寸箱子还是一起走了,只是拿去托运了,而未付费?
        • 你也差得别太多了。
    • 同病相怜。我也存在同样的困惑。。。。。。
    • I am really confused why you don't follow the instructions of the air company. you do know 158cm is right, but why to take the rish of 170cm? that is why the people of the other country look down upon us.
      • I think you are talking too much. Do you notice every time you see the foreigners in the airport , they always get some really big luggages. I don't think there are something connecting with 'look down upon us'.
    • no problem, they only care about your luggage weight, especially in Vancouver airport. but regarding "拉杆箱" please follow the strict size limitation, since they'll measure it and without any negotation.