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  • 相约北美 / 移民留学 / 烦!收到Concordial, Mcgill, U of West Ontario,cs offer,皆无奖,食之无味,请各位前辈给 分析分析 (注: landing已过3个月,无法享受quebec的特殊待遇).如打算毕业工作,去美国 念书,该选那个?在美国大学看来,那个cs更知名一点?有关费用等.多谢!! 或留电话
    • In US, people only know Mcgill and U of Toronto.
      Mcgill actually is more famous than U of T. If your goal is in US, you should go for Mcgill. Americans are very arrogant, anything that is not in US is non-existent to them. Mcgil is famous because in the past it has produced some scientific milestones (eq. the discovery of insulin). And Mcgil's computer science was famous too because they had written quite a few public domain software sets for UNIX in 80s. We have a couple of Mcgil graduates in the company,academica wise I believe they are as strong as those graduates from top US schools. Mcgil would have been my target if I had to go to a school in Canada. All the comments are based on the undergrad education, I don't know much about canadian graduate education, which depends very much on how much money a school has.
      • How about Waterloo?
        • I just came across an IETF draft with one of the authors coming from "University of Waterloo", and the guy who was discussing the draft with me went: where is the University of waterloo? in France?
          This is a pure perception problem, when you talk about Luisiana State University, everybody in US knows what LSU is all about, its football team, and so on, although its computer science sucks. The problem in US is even professionals (such as graduate recuiters in graduate schools) only know how their programs rank among US schools only, unless there is some reason for them to know a foreign school is good( for example, mcgil's free softwares). I know waterloo has a better CS program than Mcgil, but if you want to apply for graduate scholarship in a good US school, the decision usually depends on how much the graduate director has heard about the school you come from.
          • yeah, Americans know little about Canada and any other countries except US.
          • I think you are wrong for reputation of University of Waterloo. CS in UWO is pretty strong. Lots of top companies in US hire the graduates from UWO.
            • Misleading. UWO is Western. Waterloo is UW.
      • You should see the one lumlum wrote: #109366