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  • 枫下家园 / 理财投资税务 / 有没有人收到tax return review信的?
    • 我也刚收到,我妻子尚未LANDING,去年年底我回国带了一些钱回去,算是claim the spousal amount,现在要求我提供银行汇票或money order等等,可我带的是现金啊!不知谁知道该如何处理?谢谢了!
      • 倒霉啊,不过信上说如果拿不出来,就要重新assess,TMD,随他怎么搞吧,反正就几百块钱。
        • wrong. it's a random check. same thing in US. however, if u can't prove your return this time, u will be in the blak list, and mostly will be reviewed for the following several years.
    • that's the way how tax return works. u have to keep receipts for all your claim, it's also recommended to keep them for 6 years. consult some tax services, i really don't think anybody here could help you a lot.
    • Strong recommendation! If you filed your tax return by yourself, go to talk to a professional accountant or lawyer; if you hired professional service, talk to them. See my article"这钱我付"
      • 我正是找professional accountant 代填的税表,看来先找他们谈谈再说。谢谢建议 :-)
        • Give me a email and let me call you, I want to help you ufeman@hotmail.com
    • Give me a email and give me your phone number, I want to help you