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  • 相约北美 / 移民留学 / Re #6899: 你好,我是25岁左右的女士,不知应带那些合适的衣物,鞋子,需要手套吗?单人床的尺寸有多大呢,买床莅,正在犹豫。谢谢
    • 手套、护手霜都要,这里天气干。毛衣/毛裤就不用带了。单人床和国内尺寸差不多。内衣、袜子多带,一个礼拜才洗一次。
      • simple style gloves are only 1 $ at drug stores. handcream can be as cheap as 4$/one big bottle for vaseline and any other regular brands. socks are 6$/dozen. but underwear in very good quality is quite expensive, especially the bra.