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  • 枫下沙龙 / 体育爱好者 / 有在约克大学附近水平3。5以上的网球迷吗?咱们会会。我球龄六年,水平吗(97年就4。0了,现在水平可能比4。0差一点了,后几年没怎么发过球,可能没法和你立刻打比赛)
    • Hi, Let us play. I live in North York, Although I dare not say I can win you. But I do not think you can beat me except serving. And also I have some friends who can play very well, we will have a lot of fun!
    • I forget to give you my email address: thirdpack@China.com drop me a line!
      • I tried to send you email twice.But your Mailbox doesn't work!
    • I live in north york. There is a great court near my apartment.
    • 哈哈!可找到组织了!原来大家都离的不远!俺是半西方式,单反,底线型,HEAD redical,发球很差(缺练),什么时候一起玩啊!
      • guest,. tanghuang,james,glad to meet your guys.My email: wdzc@btamail.net.cn.drop me a line,maybe this weedend we can play together.
    • What about play tennis some where this weekend? I live in Richmond Hill, not far away from your place.