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  • 枫下沙龙 / 谈天说地 / 总听网友们说到考GRE,请问你们考的是general还是 subject。学校一般要哪个?还有就是到底哪个难考些?本人菜鸟请给点建议。我先谢谢了。
    • 看你申请哪里的学校,美国的基本都要general,至于SUB,各学校有不同的要求,并集中在几个专业上。
      • 我有北美的degree in CS,我想申请UT, UW, QUEEN的CS,是考General,还是SUB?
    • 2»í¬Ñ§D£μÄòaÇó2»ò»Ñù£¬ÎòÖ»¿¼1yGENERAL£¬¿éÄüSUBJECTòaÄÑò»D©°é¡£
    • sorry, there's something wrong with my chinese platform. I only take the general test and I think maybe the subject test is more difficult since it is relative to your major. And
      the requirement of different universities is not the same. Some Univ even don't need GRE.