


  • 工作学习 / 求学深造 / 我正在申请技术移民,金融本科,想在加国读硕士。请问是否需要GRE或GMAT 成绩?请各位仁兄赐教!
    • go to yahoo/canada/education and have a look. or go to a university website. do some research before asking such a general question, please. GMAT is General MANAGEMENT Admission Test!
    • 如果想读MASTER,文科必须提供GMAT成绩,理科必须提供GRE成绩。
      • not really. not every Master of Arts need Gmat. only management.
        • 商科基本上要考GMAT。金融在加国不好找工作。除非是计算机或会计。
          • hi, lili, would let me know which city you are living now? how's the weather there?
            • the weather is cool ,sometimes warm.