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  • 相约北美 / 定居入籍 / 我 打 算 明 年 4月 去 CANADA, 但 届 时 护 照 还 有 7个 月 就 到 期 , 我 可 以 顺 利 出 境 吗 ?在 国 外 办 理 护 照 延 期 手 续 如 何 ?
    I am going to leave for Canada in April next year, but the expired date of my passport is 2001/11, I don't know if there is any trouble when I leave. Moreover, How can I renew my passport in Canada?
    • No Problem
      I came here on May and my passport valid until Jan/2001. I already renewed my passport on August in Toronto. It needs three work days to renew it, so you have to go to China Consulate twice for apply and pick up your passport.
      • How much does it cost?
        • You can find it on China Embassy web site. Maybe 20 and more for urgent.