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  • 相约北美 / 移民留学 / 紧急请教:签了offer后可以不去吗?
    • 哈哈,牛啊,看看,有真功夫就是不一样
    • 我的建议是最好拖着不要签。但一旦签了,反悔是很不好的,在中介那里会留个很坏的名声。但说实在的,一般你不可能有什么大的经济损失,损失的是这个圈子里的名声。看你说的情形,我觉得拖个一个星期没有问题。
    • Congratulations, egg. Do what you like to do. :-)
    • show man!!
    • You have no obligation unless the offer letter specify otherwise.
      People usually honor signatures here so if you don't go after signing the offer, hmm... you are no good people. Legally you should have no trouble thuogh.
    • Talk to your agent. There should be an expire date on the offer. So you can wait for a while.
      • That's the right way to go.
    • recommond your buddy to take this offer
      • 这个工作需要一些特殊的skill,如lotus notes/domino development and MQSeries. 如果有可能,我会的。
        • thousands chinese IT guys here!!! no special to them at all.
        • Lotus Notes/Domino and MQ SERIES are not special , I believe thousands of IT buddys here know it, haha
    • 比较礼貌的做法:如果你基本肯定这边会有更好的消息,告诉代理你正等另一个OFFER。比较无理的做法(更常见):先签了再说。最大损失是得罪一个代理。
      • Yeah! thanks buddy, you are right!
        • Accept it first. Actually last year I did the same thing. In current situation, the employer is very easy to find an alternative. Egg, did IBM Lab lay-off? I did not hear that. Don't put too much time on BBS!!!
          • not Lab, it is Global Service which lay off 1000 contractor.
      • 不要按无理的做法来
      • 无理的方法也许会让这位中介看扁其他的中国人,后患无穷
    • 不会吧?混了这么久了,这种初级问题还要问?如果觉得信用问题是头等大事,用得着为了差别不大的小利算计来算计去吗?这会子,说不定正有无数同胞为这几个offer急白了头呢。
    • 机会永远都是存在的,有时候不妨"骑驴找马" -- 先搞定一匹坐骑,然后稳稳当当再挑其它好的. :-)
    • Yes, you can abandon your offer even you signed the off. I done that before. And you don't need to pay any fees.
      So I suggest you keep the first offer and wait for the other one, then you can choose the better between them.
      Don't worry about the agent. If you want to find another job with the same agent, it will still help you. Because business is business. In the country, both employers and employees can choose bidirectly. Even you signed the offer, the company can lay offer you with no packages.
    • 你是developer还是administrator?
    • 推荐我去好么?
    • WELCOM TO WATERLOO!!!!!!!!!
      • 很想与你多联系,了解那边的情况,如住房,中餐(FB),娱乐,踢球等。如方便请将电话发我email,我打给你。谢谢
        • 拖家带口的,真的想去呀?
        • 那里很不错, 可是不能和多伦多比亚. 特别是你想FB的话. 能不能拖一拖等等这儿的OFFER.
        • 在WATERLOO有一点不便是那的水质太硬, 用肥皂都不起泡沫。喝起来苦涩,大家都去商店买水。
        • 刚发了个mail到richardjava@hotmail.com ,是这个信箱吧?
          • gocha!
        • 你领导也在哪里找工作么?
        • From my opinion, living in small city is more enjoyable and cosier than in big city. The same house in Waterloo is about 40% off than in Toronto and the traffic is much better. But if you like RE NAO, Toronto is better.
      • RIM is there, another hi-tech corp. pixstream.
    • 统吃!你可以马上开LEXUS300了!
    • 别签,坚决留这儿。
    • 你是真的不知道还是??? 如果你签了不去,
      in general, no one care, but to that company, you closed your door.他们会对你:永不录用。如果你同时得罪代理,他会让你上黑名单,在同行间把你搞臭。所以,如果是通过代理,最好慎重。以上也是听别的朋友讲的,道听途说,只当提醒而已。Anyway, the best way I think is : 给另外两家公司打电话,告诉他们已经有一个公司对你高官利诱:I got!!! the offer,但你拒腐蚀永不沾:I do not sign!!! it till now,认定他们公司才是你梦寐以求: I am still looking for your reply :-), please smile confidently when you say this statement. By the way, 如果你同时对两家公司说同样的话,当然不太好, 我可没建议你这么作。Something like this, if they are really interested with you, they will give you that offer quickly, and even pay higher. If not, go ahead, good luck!
      • “如果你同时得罪代理,他会让你上黑名单,在同行间把你搞臭”真的这么可怕?代理只要能把你卖出去,他能赚到钱,会关心你以前是否曾经反悔?不过我明天要和代理谈一谈这事
        • Sorry, I told you 以上也是听别的朋友讲的,道听途说,只当提醒而已, anyway, I think in north America, 绝大多说情况下,讲实话比较好,
          tell your agent, you are waiting for others reply, hope he gave you one week to think about. Or if you can't make sure how he is, ask him may he give you one week to think about it, or what's the expired date of that offer, you need to discuss it with your wife, becaue your baby is so small :-)

          By the way, 我没有遇到完全类似的情况,所以以上只是个人观点,不过你的观点听起来也很personal :-)
        • 因为是代理推荐的人,如果公司迁怒于代理,代理就会找人发气了:D
          • 最有可能的是,这个代理再也不愿意找“不守信用的中国人“。
      • gonewithewind说的完全在理,可以用这方法去试一下
      • 不可能的,代理不会将你搞臭的,如果你以后要再找工作,他会更热情,因为他已经知道你将会有很大的可能拿offer,也就是他们又可能拿到钱.代理只考虑如何赚钱.
        • 说实话我也很想知道,不过不知你是想当然,还是的确问过西人朋友,没有别的意思,只是我个人认为北美很看重sign。
          • 我以前曾经问过我们的经理(当地人),他认为一个人拿多个offer只是证明这个人水平好.如果想留住这个人,只能跟他negotiate.这里的人比较喜欢aggresive的态度.
            此外,egg只是有很大的把握拿第二份offer,从保险角度来看,必须得先签当前的offer.何况即使放弃了第一个offer,也会有很多其他人填补这个空缺,根本不用担心什麽. 代理永远只是看中如何赚钱.
            • 你为什么不问他如果已经签了呢?我曾经问过一个VP(西人),他的建议如我前面的帖子所说,是对另两家公司说实话,push他们一下,从我个人观点,我不相信他们会ignore已经签了的东东。

              再说一句难听的:中国人相对来言credit比较差。Wow, don't throw bad eggs and tomatoes to me ~!@#$%^&*()
            • you can sign more than one offers at the same time, but, in here, in North American, it is not good thing to do, it is very bad, pleases do not do this, because we all have Chinese face.
    • 恭喜恭喜。建议先签了再说,不过如很有把握可以等一等。 可是你去了WATERLOO是不是就不能一起FB了?呜呜,我们大家会想你的。
    • If you don't like waterlook position, hold it as long as u can.
      u could turn down it at the last day. once u signed it, it's very bad not going there. being a decent people is very important, especially if u want to be a team leader. however, try to use some trick to postpone the deadline won't hurt u badly.
    • Egg, I think you are in better position now.
      First tell your agent that you need sometime to think about the job offer and ask how long you can hold it. Then you can call the other company and tell them you need to make decision soon. If the second company really likes you, it will send you the offer soon. Then compare the two offers, and you can bargain for much better deal. Don't accept the offer in a rush.
    • EGG,问一个初级问题:个人背景怎么介绍好?请你尽可能详细些,例如时间上倒叙还是顺序或者按项目的大小排序,介绍过程中应强调什么?我是新移民,刚来就因为这个问题浪费掉了一次面试机会,请前辈教授一下经验。我也是IT的。