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  • 枫下家园 / 生活杂事 / 刚收到一个广告,大家快去买东西吧!(注意,我不是卖主,请打电话与主人联系)
    I have a full house of used furniture for sale, which includes a 33"TV and a
    21"TV and car seat, baby bed, stroller etc. and many other furniture.

    If so happen you bought a house and want to buy furniture, this is a very
    good chance. All furniture are in very good condition. If you are a seriou
    buyer, please call me at 416 277 0001 John
    • 那位朋友知道likeplay的电话,给他们两口子打一个,我现在手头上没有号码。他们或许有兴趣。
      • 今天太晚了,明天一早我打电话。