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  • 枫下沙龙 / 休闲娱乐 / Does anyone happen to know how much it costs to watch a a drama/ballet/opera/show in Toronto? how often there will be such events in the town? (i thought i was going to broadway. :-))
    • 在TORNOTO,大家怎么消遣的呀?有什么演出、表演?费用如何? 可别说只有Celine看。。。
      • 难道只有Sailor得闲游舞池,大家都只上网不看戏啊?
    • I never go for movie here :( the ticket of most classical performance is around $50, it's too high for me. 5555
      • O, then i was overcharged in Guangzhou!! The performance of 'Karmen' cost me RMB600 for one ticket! CA$120! 55667788