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  • 工作学习 / 援助潘中原 / 捐款名单 -- 汪激昂收到的为潘中原捐款
    想前想后, 得把捐款人的名单公布出来, 咱在国内对做了好事的人历来有光荣榜公布。虽然捐款人只是出自一份爱心,不是为了求名利,但组织者有义务张榜以代收款人表示感谢。

    另一个原因是,大家把钱交给了我, 如果不公布, 岂不是石沉大海且有利于我贪污。这样, 如果给我寄支票后见到我公布名字, 捐款的人也就放心了。最后交给潘中原时,会有其他人在场,一一对照网上已公布的姓名, 以确保我汪激昂廉政负责。我建议Slimpiggy也做相应动作。

    混沌汤大虾打电话给我, 提醒我交款时要有Sailor在场, 最好有报社报道, 替潘中原和Rolia都宣传一下。 Sailor请不要客气。

    为了方便捐款人查名字, 我把他们的名字单列为跟贴, 请大家鼓掌。另外,加拿大的邮递比较慢, 寄出到我收到有三四个工作日的滞后。同是, 为了本榜简单易查,请不要在后面跟贴。 把意见放在其他贴子里就行了。我一定能看到。

    • 许多人不同意发表名字, 我先把名字珊了, 请大家继续发表意见, 视大多数意见再说。
      • 所有的guest 都是一个人啊,特此声明
        • 不怕! 我可以再贴。你到底是谁?
          • 不想出名的guest
      • 也想帮他,在vancouver怎么办?
        • 寄张问候卡, 打个电话鼓励他, 捐款(直接汇款或者寄支票), 搜集一切关于治疗骨癌的资料, 给他信心, 告诉身边的朋友, 让更多的人来帮助不幸的人...
          • 他的地址是什么?
            • Zhongyuan Pan, 620 Gerrard East, Toronto, Canada M4M 1Y3
            • see #132448
    • There is no need to make a big deal out of posting names, it's a honour system, WJiang's opinion are appreciated. Though,
      There is no need to make a big deal out of posting names, it's a honour system, WJiang's opinion are appreciated. Though, I, for one, am really against posting any kind of personal info of anykind that will reveal identities
    • 紧急求助!刚刚CIBC(我们家附近的CIBC今天不营业),被一当地人告知必须有对方的卡才能把钱存入其账号,不能简单的把支票放入ATM中,到底应该怎么做?大家指点一二!!
      • 0707,请回答!
      • that's bullshit, the logic doesn't even stand, YOU DON'T NEED ANOTHER PERSON'S CARD to deposit money, write a cheque
        make it Payable to CIBC 05702/78-96530, put it in your acct under Payment by Enclosing, that will do

        and read my postings, every details had been discussed
        • Thank you. Then it means I just need to put the enclosed cheque directly into the ATM, right? I will go back to CIBC right now.
          • under your own acct, and they will process it as a payment to cibc 05702/78-96530, which is Pan's acct
            • Done! I am back, thanks.
    • 我在这只能捧个人场了,愿好人一生平安!!
    • hi, do i mail the check to you? what is your address?
      • go to / 枫下家园/ 援助潘中原/ , you can see all the information there.
        • yeah i saw that account number, so i just transfer money into that account, it will work ,right?
          • yeah, I emptied that acct just now and gave to his father, RECHARGE IT guys, I was on the phone with Nine Man, whoever called me please call me again 416-314-0508