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  • 枫下家园 / 电脑用户 / WIN 98下电脑D盘不能删除文件,显示”cannot find the specified path.Make sure you specify the correct path",但在DOS下可删除D盘。而且C,E盘也可以正常删除文件。请高手指点,多谢!
    • is that an english version win98? i met with the problem when i removed some intalled Chinese version softwares and there were some path names namd by Chinese.
      • Thanks. The question is not only path named Chinese but also path named English cannot be deleted.
        • move all other file somewhere else, then goto dos prompt use delete *.*
        • in DOS prompt, try to use deltree command to delete the whole directory. take care of ur useful files before delete.
          • Thanks again. All of the file folders and files in D cannot be deleted, not some of them. Of course, i can delete in DOS prompt, but how can i delete some of them, for example, favrites in Internet, shortcut in desktop?
            • these folder are under windows directory, u can use the same method to delete ur files.
              • Thank you, warm-hearted person.
                • candy candy please~~~
                  • faint!