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  • 工作学习 / 援助潘中原 / 今天去看了一下潘中原

    • So we use the White Door?
      • there is a door bell at the right hand side of the door. easy to locate.
        • Oasis just said there ain't no door bell, or do I ring the bell or not?
          • 他应该已经去医院了,你去医院打听吧
            • I gotta see his father, see Ji Ang's posts last night
              • slimpiggy
                • I thought we gonna convince him to get a second opinion, I think he's now on antibiotics for a week before the amputation, I will try to talk to him abut seeking a second opinion
        • 那个门铃肯定不是他的
    • 你什么时候去的?
      • Ji Ang tell us 'bout your visit
      • 激昂
        • good idea, do you know where he is in the hospital? it's MT. Sinai right? I can stop by on monday
          • 是那家医院,具体病房我不清楚
            • I will post his room number and visitor hours tomorrow, and WHEN IS SAILOR GONNA GIVE US A SEPARATE PLACE FOR THIS situation, that's how he can help out
              • I will put that information in the Call for Help.
                • Hey how's the third draft coming, it's pretty good as is, go ahead and post it on CHINASMILE see what they say
                  • I need to make a few phone calls tomorrow to fill out the blanks. Pan's account transfer needs to be confirmed. Yes, that's a good idea. Will do.
                    • I am taking his father to get a new one for the donation, so no more doubts will be raised, and it won't be done until like wednesday since I am busy, so use the existing cibc one, it works fine
              • I have sent an email to sailor. He might not have seen our requests.
        • I want to join. I am available on weekend or Mon-Fri after 6:00pm work time.
          • the next couple weeks are gonna be rough for Pan, he needs more moral support than anything,
    • 失望,有些话不知该不该说. :(
      说实话,跟了几天的ROLIA,真的有些失望,看来看去,就那么几位热心的朋友在真正地做一些事情,象激昂,老九,slim piggy, winterblue, oasis,heart,Scarlett,等几位,而真正标榜为rolia大侠的那几(十)位,却都不见踪影,大家该烧烤还烧烤,该踢球还踢球,该腐败还腐败,一个没有结果的奥运话题可以有时间吵个天翻地覆,难道真没有时间去看看一个需要帮助的同胞吗? 昨天在chinasmile看到几个朋友在对rolia冷嘲热讽,我还不相信, 现在看来实事就实事,没什么好说的,我真的好失望! (另外,我不在多伦多,否则我真的愿意能做一些事情)
      • This is Life man, talk's cheap
        • chinasmile上这么多善良正直的朋友,让人感动!
          本文发表在 rolia.net 枫下论坛novalis

          From: Mississauga, ON, Canada
          Registered: June 17, 2001
          Posts: 39

          posted July 14, 2001 07:37



          Registered: February 04, 2001
          Posts: 385

          posted July 14, 2001 09:37

          多谢楼上几位大虾! chinasmile上这么多善良正直的朋友,让人感动!



          潘中原身高1.82米,发病後体重遽降,减轻十多公斤,现在不到六十公斤。 他念大学时是系足球队前卫、同时是系排球队副攻。现在只能拄杖在住处来回走两步。

          更详细的情况请大家上rolia去看吧。 其实,捐款的数目是次要的,重要的是给潘中原精神上的鼓励,战胜癌症。

          * 你不能左右天气,但你可以改变心情 *
          * 你不能改变容貌,但你可以展现笑容 *
          * 你不能预知明天,但你可以利用今天 *更多精彩文章及讨论,请光临枫下论坛 rolia.net
        • 96年在美国看奥运会没把我气死; 这次该我们修理YANKEES了!!!!!! 热烈祝贺北京申奥成功
      • 我不失望
      • 表面现象,不说明什么。另外,因为你不在加拿大,所以没有亲身体会,多跟你说也没用。在这里,有时候“帮助”二个字不是很简单的,再说,不一定所有帮助人的人都要说出来啊。
        • 我在加拿大,只是不在多伦多.希望真的如你所说,是我不了解情况吧!
          • 其实我也不在多伦多,不过不管什么地方,都是什么人都有,万不可一棍子打死一片,不公平。
        • Xiaozhugege: I tried to post the 2nd draft of the Call for help on Chinasmile, but got an error message. Could you help me try it again there? I had never posted there before. #132448
          • I failed , I don't know why?
            • 我知道chinasmile的帖子有长度限制, 请分几次上贴, 或者发给站长joe, 请他帮助.
      • 没事儿, 也有很多人在帮忙, 捐钱的, 出主意的., 等等. 等明后天探视时间地点打听出来, 我们就可以排队去看他. CALL FOR HELP也将于最迟后天定稿, 大家就可以开始转发.
        • 多谢winterblue,辛苦了
        • you are winter fire, not winterblue.
          • 谢谢两位鼓励. 大家能做点什么做点什么吧. 都是一样的. 只怕是做什么也都没太大用了, 又一个生命就要这么从我们手中滑走了.
            • 别这样!坚强些!如果我们不能使自己坚强,又如何去鼓励潘中原?take care!
      • Dun mean to be offensive, who is the man? How come I've never heard of him? Feeling guilty after seeing this post...
        • do a search for My posts, and Wjiang's, you can learn the whole story and what's been done and what needs to be done
      • 没有什么好失望的,再说,我们做了什么就非得让别人知道吗?
    • 我是上午十一点和另外一个网友Melody去的
      本文发表在 rolia.net 枫下论坛一个小房间, 连不象样的家具都没有几件,可能老父亲忙不过来,家里比较凌乱。 小潘瘦小又苍白, 看不出一米八的个头, 他父亲说小潘已经掉了十公斤体重。 虽然由于化疗,外表变化很大,但还是能一眼看出昔日的小潘是个招人喜欢的帅哥。

      为了抗癌,小潘遵循着饮食限制, 他不吃肉食。 我们一大早赶去中区唐人街给他买了一本素食谱。希望他的父亲可以籍此做出除现时的青菜豆腐之外的花样。在此, 我不细说小潘和他的父亲看到我们后是如何感激, 我的心理素质没有坚强到可以对它进行描述。

      他父亲说, 知道化验结果后的这两三天, 小潘变得负担很重, 时刻思前想后考虑要不要做手术。Melody的父亲也不幸患了肝癌, 万幸的是确诊时间已经过了三个月,他还顽强地活着。Melody把她父亲的事跟小潘说了,鼓励小潘意志不能垮掉,只要意志不垮,就有希望。可怜的小潘至今连个女朋友都还没有。出国前他家里给他介绍了一个,小潘觉得时间太匆忙了,便没有交往下去。今天,他说,好在没有跟这个女孩子好上,否则现在岂不是害了人家。事实上,主要是Melody在跟小潘说话,我则时不时跟他父亲交换一两句——不知道怎么回事,也许是心里太难受了, 总是不太敢跟小潘多说话。我们告诉小潘,很多网友都在关心他,让他放心,集中精力与癌症做斗争,身外之事总有解决的办法,还跟他谈了目前捐款的情况。

      很明显,我们的拜访对小潘的心情帮助很大,我们谨此也希望网上的朋友们能抽空去看看他,虽然不一定能起到实质性的作用,但是像小潘这样的人我们不去关心,我们去关心什么人呢?更多精彩文章及讨论,请光临枫下论坛 rolia.net
      • so he hasn't decide to go to the hospital eh? or he will be at mount sinai tomorrow?
        • 我们早上去的时候他还没有作好决定,可是这样的事情往往是到了最后一刻都难以下定决心。
          • well he's got a like a week before the actual amputation, I WON'T LET HIM DO IT WITHOUT A SECOND, OR THIRD OPINION
      • I think i better come with a MM for I am not good at expression of sympathy, so who volunter to go with me?
        • Smart guy!
        • the important thing is don't treat him like a dying man, although he is one, talk to me like you are just having a normal visit, talk about stupid things like the harbourfront rebuild.
        • me! I am available tomorrow afternoon after 6:00pm.
          • 看下面的病房号码
            • 抄下来了
              have decided to visit him tomorrow or Tuesday night, I am waiting
              for a volunteer to give me a ride :-( (just kidding!)
              • both his home and hospital are near a subway stat. Mt sinai, is at Univi $ college, 506 street car, it's impossible to get a parking spot without paying
                • Thanks, you are a nice Mr. pig :-)
      • ONE MORE thing, did you bring up the idea of the OPGT to him? or I am gonna crack the news when I see them tomorrow
        • NO, I am very sorry, I only vaguely mentioned. I worried the impact it might have to him.
          • I will try to make it positive, His father would be happy about it
    • 他在Mount Sinai的1106房间,医院位于Gerrard & University Road, 如果做手术的话是在周三,他现在还没拿定主意是不是做。医院全天都可以探望病人,但因为白天经常要做一些检查,所以最好晚上去
      • 明后天有空的朋友可以去看看他,多给他点鼓励
      • did you go man? MT Sinai is at University Ave & College St (Gerrard becomes College beyond Parliment st), it's on south of College, there are six hospitals on the same stretch, you can't miss it
        • Since no one's free in the morning, I will go around lunch time, I might as well meet his father at the hospital, more banks around there
          • hi piggy, you mean Mount Sinai hospital is the one located at Queens Park station, on the west side of the university ave?
            • Yeah, if you are coming out of the Queen's Park stat. then on the westside, in order of North to south, the hospitals are Princess Marge, Mount Sinai, ST. Mike's, and Women's College,
              On the east side, I think it's Toronto General, and Sick Kids, the above are names of the hospital, it's easy to mix them up, but Mt. Sinai has a huge banner on it, just look up, high up
          • Yes, please, if you can. I think it would be the best if we can get the final donation account information in before I post the Call for Help. If you
            can give me the info., I will try to post it by tomorrow night. Thanks.
            • give me your phone, I will call you
          • hi slimpiggy, I will go to the hospital today at lunch time, too. I usually can't read Rolia at night and weekend, but I am willing to be any help. Anything I could do, please let me know.
            • Here's what I hope to accomplish today at lunch
              Convince Pan to get a second opinion on his treatment

              Go with his father to the TD at the corner of University and Dundas to open an acct

              Find out if he has a phone in the hospital room, if not, I will pay for and activate one for him,

              buy him a phone card to call family in mainland

              Now you can pick one to do
              • wow, so many good ideas! I wish I was there in Toronto so that I could do something as well. :-(
              • I am sure there will be a phone in his room. I will give my telephone card to him, with which he could place any long distance calls from any where within North America,
                and the monthly statement will be mailed to me and I will pay it. I will be at the hospital arround 12:30 to 1:00. Hopefully I could meet you also.
                • I just called, His phone is 416-586-5900, ext 4835, and he needs a phone card to call China...
        • sorry it's University Ave & College St
          • I want to send cheque to this guy, just tell me how can i do it
            • See #132448
            • check payable to CIBC 05702/78-96530 , or direct deposit to this acct in a cibc branch
        • 谢谢,我明晚大约7:00左右去医院
          • 建议潘试试中国的传统气功
          • 虽然FLG被批得一塌胡涂,但几千年的精华还是会有效的!
          • 最重要的是自己的心态,乐观向上、
          • 积极与疾病斗争的精神状态是最好的特效药!
            • I am going to bed man, Ale Ale I miss you, I want to see you again...
          • Here's what happened today during my visit
            本文发表在 rolia.net 枫下论坛When I got there around 12:30, there were already 6 people in the room. Pan looks alright spiritual wise and he’s leg was NOT mummified.

            Bloor gave him a cup and a calling card which Bloor will settle the bill, very noble act. I bought Pan a pay-as-you-go cell phone this morning without knowing that there is a phone by his bed, so I refunded that to a 96 min calling card to PR China. Bloor: so this will ease your bill a bit.

            Pan’s leg is not as bad as we think; it’s got an 80% chance of avoiding amputation. But he wasn’t thinking straight; He was thinking about going back to mainland to treat it with Qigong, which will delay his treat for at least a month. Right now, his doctor says that on Wednesday he will cut open Pan’s leg and take an actual look at the tumor. I analyzed the situation for him and got him thinking rationally, two hours of our discussion later, he decided that he will ask for the operation which will open up his leg to attempt to remove his tumor, but under no circumstances that he will go for the amputation.

            I gave Pan’s father 100 dollars from the CIBC acct we are using now, will take him to a bank tomorrow when I get around to do that.

            The doctor he has now apparently is the best the hospital can offer and the doctor says there is a good chance that Pan can keep his leg.

            PAN is not dying, not nearly as bad as we previously thought.更多精彩文章及讨论,请光临枫下论坛 rolia.net
    • 听说过罗坤生发明的自然功全息仪吗,走投无路时可试试。广州罗林电子有限公司,叫广州的朋友们打听一下吧,应该很有名的。很多人得了绝症都治愈了,可惜我还在国内不然我可免费提供让他做做。
      • 少来扯淡