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  • 枫下家园 / 爱车一族 / 租辆车刚开了没两天就被撞了,请各位帮我分析分析修车的钱该谁付?
    我租车买了保险,350元以下自付。但昨天的事故应是另一人的责任,两辆车都去了collision report center, 巧的是两辆车是同一家保险公司。我的租车公司说,修车的帐单应我先付,再给对方保险公司打电话,如果确定是对方责任,应由对方保险公司支付我的费用,但今天我跟对方保险公司联系时,他们说应找各自的保险公司,他们不负责支付我的帐单。这么说,不管谁的责任,只要损坏在350元以下,就应由我自己支付吗?第一次遇见这种事,真不知道如何是好。
    • “应是另一人的责任”是什么意思?是你这么认为,还是双方都同意?
      • 租车公司根据report说的,另外把当时情况问了问我的教练和其他一些朋友。collision reporting center说由insurance company根据双方报告决定是谁的责任。当然双方都不承认只是自己的责任。
    • up
      • What you should pay=your responsibility(%)x350: If you have 0% responsibility(That means all is the other driver's fault),you pay zero.
    • I planed to send the cheque donitating to Pan Zhongyuan yesterday.
      Unforturnately i met this accident and was charged for $200 to repair the car, since no one give me any help except rollor and wins, i feel so sad that i change my mind.
      • 不要伤心,lazycat,这事不知道的人不敢乱讲。
        • thank you, moonriver, rollor and wins. I already made it clear myself. don't need anyone's help now.
          I tried my best to help others before, but when i meet some difficulties, most of time, i found little help or response. If you are disappointed several times, what do you feel.
          • lazycat, 主要你是租车碰到的事故,跟一般不一样,所以没经验不敢瞎出主意
    • Cheer up, Lazycat!
    • if i were you, i would phone my "shi fu" in driving school. i guess he might have some idea about it.
      • yeah, i already called my coach, it seems that i should pay the bill for my car. Now i have solved this problem. Thank you all.