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  • 相约北美 / 移民留学 / 请问如何找代理,最开始是他主动跟你联系,还是你去到处找?
    • what do you want to say? look at the topic first, i think maybe you post in the wrong area.
  • 都可以。代理一般会有广告。你发过去,他看中了就会找你,先和代理有个面试,他觉得满意就推荐你去公司。然后公司再面试。。。。。
  • 小MM不用焦虑,女孩比男孩容易找工作.....多了。
    • 为什么
    • 是吗?我不大信,搞技术应该人人平等吧
      • 完全不平等。对女孩的技术要求低多了
        • 谁说的,你不是女孩你怎么知道?我反倒觉得,同样的技术背景,跟女孩的工资要低得多
          • 你也那么喜欢wander这个词吗
          • I don't think so, too.
          • 同意同意,深受其苦 :((
          • 男孩的工作压力大啊,工资可能会高点,女孩只要有能力,老板也不会给太低
            • maybe. 得看老板心情了。没什么特殊原因老板不会加工资的:(
            • Who said male 's stress is heavier than female, I took the same responsibility as male colleagues, but got less pay:-((
              • 试着找找别的公司,如果你开的价别人接受说明你的价值被低估了,毫不犹豫跳槽,否则就老老实实在现在的公司干吧,抱怨不如行动
                • For all companied, it's the same, female always get less pay than male. It's social problem, not limited to certain company. I just want to say that female got job not easier than male
              • 但是在更新很快的IT行业,女孩比较吃亏,因为很容易被别的事分心,such as 家庭,小孩,所以老板也要考虑一下这些情况,
        • I don't think so.
      • In our engineering department (HW, SW) 60 engineers, no girl; while IS has 3 women in 10 people.
  • 回应招聘广告,有些是代理的。不过,你先别着急找代理,应该先上培训班,把简历和面世技巧搞好。代理有好多种,切不可把他们一下子都用掉。切记!切记!!
    • "切不可把他们一下子都用掉"是指什么呢?
      • There are always quite a few agencies in your field.
        Some agencies have better reputation than others. Do not contact them all at one time.

        Send your resume to a couple of agencies first, study their feed back, and modify your resume or other things. Then send your updated resume to a few more agencies, see what feed back they have on you, and make appropriate modifications of your stuff.

        If you don't receive any response after sending these resume, you definitely need to change you resume or cover letter.

        Remember, save the best agencies to the last. Wait until your resume becomes perfect, and you have gone through a few interviews with other agencies. Because you are expecting getting a job from these best agencies.
        • 可是我怎么知道谁perfect谁不是很好呢?你能指点一二么?
          • I don't know about your field. You need to go to the workshops, learn the ways to find them, meet the people in similiar situation as you, then you will know who is better.
    • 请问哪里有培训班,我只是在我们那里找到一个AWIC愿意指导新移民找工作,但是我怀疑他们的专业性
      • 我知道 Skills For Change 很好,如果你不觉得远就去。At St. Clair Subway, take 512 Streetcar, passing St. Clair West, and get off at Arlington after Christie.