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  • 工作学习 / 援助潘中原 / 答蒜头及其他热心的朋友们: 里面是潘中原的联系地址/电话, 病房地址/电话, 以及rolia网友为他所开的捐款帐号:
    1. 潘中原家庭地址:
    620 Gerrard East,
    Toronto, Ontario
    Canada M4M 1Y3

    (他家靠近Gerrard & Broadview, 上门拜访的朋友最好事先打电话, 免得空跑)

    2. 潘中原家里电话:

    3. 捐款方式:
    由汪激昂出面收集支票, 然后转交给潘中原.
    (注意:收款人是Zhongyuan Pan, 不要写成“汪激昂“)
    Attn: wjiang
    33 Isabella St, Apt 2215
    Toronto, Ontario
    Canada M4Y 2P7

    slim piggy给潘中原开了一个捐款帐号, 你可以让银行职员直接从你的银行卡上拨款至”CIBC 05702/78-96530”, 或写支票PAYABLE TO “CIBC 05702/78-96530”, 投入ATM.

    4. 潘中原的住院地址:
    *医院名称叫Mount Sinai, 他在Room 1106
    *位于College & University Road, 506路车可到达. 附近没有免费停车场.
    *医院全天都可以探望病人,但因为白天经常要做一些检查, 所以最好晚上去.

    谢谢大家! ^_^
    • 刚刚从医院回来。潘中原的精神状态还可以, 但我真的不忍心看他老父亲的表情。医生今天晚上会等待潘中原的决定,如果截肢的话会在后天。
      • 谢谢bloor. 潘先生现在生活上有什么缺的吗?今晚的决定对他真的太残酷了. 今天我们6pm去, 3个人, 应该没事儿吧.
        • bluesprit, gonewithewind, 7:00pm
        • I think it's OK. His father prefer not to take the operation, he is afraid what if the cancer is still alive somewhere after the operation. It was told by his doctor that the hope is 80% to do the operation.
          I don't know what he should do, it's really a big decision for him and his family. Anyway, let us know his decision after your visit.
          • The decision has been made, please see my latest post