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  • 工作学习 / 援助潘中原 / 捐款这事最好先找个律师问问,在这里不是想收捐款就可以收的, 法律上讲是有诈骗嫌疑 rolia管理员 should have license of canadian local bank first, then try to let us save money into their personal account legally :-)
    捐款这事最好先找个律师问问,在这里不是想收捐款就可以收的, 法律上讲是有诈骗嫌疑 rolia管理员 just tried to let us save money into their personal account and let us to beleive what sailor zhang said "由汪激昂出面收集捐款支票, 然后转交给潘中原". rolia管理员 should have license of canadian local bank first, then try to let us save money into their personal account legally :-)
    • Pal, if you are not a Lawyer, then let me remind you that you gave out legal advice without a Bar Licence, that itself is a crime
      You don't even know what you are talking about, "license of canadian local bank" takes 6 six years and about 250G to get,
      • 你是这么早就起床,还是这么晚了还不睡 ?
        • didn't go to bed and this fella's incredibly ignorant message woke me up for good
          • 好象这个guest和sailor有什么个人恩怨,不断地发一些关于sailor的个人信息到我的邮箱,以及在chinasmile和rolia上转贴有攻击嫌疑的话.
          • 你为什么不睡觉?
          • 你可别倒下了,你今天还要作战一天呢. ^_^