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  • 工作学习 / 援助潘中原 / 我中午去的. 有大概7,8 位朋友在. 潘中原的父亲一头乱发, 神情憔悴, 每个人进去都非要起身迎接不可, 还要记住每个人姓深莫. 他饭也不想吃, 最后大家劝了半天才去SISI家吃饭. 一点多
    医生打电话到等待室, 通知手术顺利, 没有截肢. 我两点多离开的时候, 潘伯伯显得好了些, 话也多了点.潘中原仍在恢复室, 大概到4点左右才能醒来回他房间. 大家等晚上的消息吧.
    • Thank you very much!You are a good man!
      • No, she a great lady!
        • Really? That'great!
        • yeah, I thought she is a lady. I was confused when I saw some friends used the "man". So I am right! ^_^
          • You are so clever and careful!
            • thanks,thanks, hehe... ^_^