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  • 相约北美 / 定居入籍 / Hi, sailor及各位热心的朋友, 我明天就要去加了, 有个问题想请教一下. 我的行李很多, 共有四个大箱子, 因我是一个人去加, 又是个girl, 不知机场是否有大行李车或服务生能帮一下忙. 另外在 机场里换加币和打电话方便否? 谢谢!!
    • hi, girl, pls do not worry about your baggage, you could et help from airport guys and just pay about USD1~2 as tip. Just do it if you need help, but remember there is no free lunch in the world.
      • Thanks a lot for your suggestions
    • 这还不好办? 找个小伙子飞个媚眼再送他一个吻。 如果有缘可能你的婚姻也解决了。
      • 还可能赚个艾滋携带者!
      • 同志,请正经些,或许你是这样出机场的,不过我可不想效仿。
    • Congratulation! And it's convenient to exchange money or make phonecall in the airport.