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  • 工作学习 / 援助潘中原 / Today's Trip & Gifts, FireFox is our Hero of the day
    本文发表在 rolia.net 枫下论坛Rolia.com bought gifts for the following people on behave of Pan ZhongYuan:

    Robert Bell (Chief Surgeon)
    Matthew McKinnnis (Resident Physician)
    Julie (Nurse of R1106)
    Larry (Pan's roommate who leaves for home on monday)
    Operation Crew (4 people)
    Recovery Crew(2 people)
    Blackstein (chemotherapist)
    Alice (we all know Alice)
    Robert Bell's Secretary who passed along critical messages at critical times

    MQU27 and Firefox accompanied me for shopping and wrapping, Firefox donated gifts for us which is a great help, since a card and a little gift will cost more than 10 bux together(which really isn't much btw), and we have 13 people to cover, so we had trouble keeping budget under $100, and FIREFOX HELPED US TO achieve that goal.

    All the cards were written by me and signed by Pan, on Robert Bell's card

    "My words are inadquate to describe my graditutue, what you've done for me is noted and will remain with me for the rest of my days"

    Bloor brought along a friend from work, very noble, someone brought Pan Veggie dumplings, very noble.更多精彩文章及讨论,请光临枫下论坛 rolia.net
    • Sorry, SlimPiggy, I did not see any Veggie dumplings yet. He is still waiting for it. Melody is about to send in the afternoon.
    • Good Job! 翻译官老九, 请快来帮忙 ^_^
    • 中心思想:1. Rolia.com代表小潘给医生护士和有关人士送了礼物 2. 瘦猪火狐狸和MQU27(这个不好翻译)选购了礼物,大家多谢他们 3. 瘦猪题词,小潘签字。“言辞不足谢,大恩铭记于心,永志不忘”
      • 谢谢。MQU27翻译成: 曲小姐. 是不是那个高高个子的大眼睛女孩?
        • MQU27 is girl???
          • 是吗? 不是吗? 是吗?
            应该就是昨天在医院看到的那个MM吧. 小声问wander: 这个答案对你很重要吗?
            • 一点都不重要。今天我问了mqu27, 答案是:是先生,没错,那是LG;是小姐,没错,那是LD。
              • 刚才和瘦猪一起准备礼物的长裙PPMM是谁呀?
                • 是当LD的mqu27.
                  • 沙沙的问,何为LD?老大?
                    • 这里的男士们都尊称老婆为“领导“,至于是否是阳奉阴违,嘿嘿,就见仁见智了。(呦,别恼羞成怒啊。。。)
                      • 上有政策下有对策是说怎么对付领导的吧
                    • ling dao ya!
      • Hey do you have a PH. D. in literature? your translation was really hitting the dot, right on the spot to say the least
        • 就是吧,我说他是秘书专业博士研究生吧。
          • 小秘老九,,嘻嘻:)
      • yeah, especially the last sentence. -“言辞不足谢,大恩铭记心,永志不能忘”
        • 你这个小马虎,怎么擅改领导题词
          • 呀,这个领导不笨嘛! ^_^
      • I don't understand. Why do your guys need translate pig's posts. Everyone can understand English. sheng3 dian3 li4
        • People will simply skip english posts, that's a problem, many questions I had to answer over and over again
        • 因为我们就喜欢看老九的精辟理解。。。
        • 没什么,就是喜欢瞎操心. ^_^
    • 看见“for the rest of my days", 觉得很难过。写得很好。
      • pong pong pong, my sonar's in action again