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  • 工作学习 / 援助潘中原 / 谢谢winterblue写的“让我们每个人都为潘中原做一件事”,我想了一个办法可以使信息保持updated:

    • Thanks, Sailor.
      • Hey, how you got access to the computer tonight? who has Pan's sister's phone number man
        • I should have, but I can't find it. I will try again.
        • why not ask his father?
        • here is the number: and, tell Mr.Pan that the last two number of the calling card I give him is changed to 20. [I called the phone company to get the number]
          • got it, will call his sister and tell her to go to a Internet Cafe or something, she can talk to us here
    • SAILOR: 贴了。 见 #139339
      • 你把标题改成正式的标题吧
        • 已经不能跟帖了吗?
          • Bingle?
            • 已经不能跟贴了。//#139351的主意很好,可以在两个贴子里面互相引用!给你加油!
              • 那个帖子怎么没了?
                • Still there, I modified the subject. click here: #139339
                  • One problem with this. Since people can't reply to it, it gets pushed down quickly.
                    • It is kind of important that people can reply to it. A lot of interest is actually generated through the follow-up discussions. A better way is probably
                      that I keep doing what I have been doing, i.e., reposting once in a while. In the meantime, maybe we could put a fixed link to the latest version at the top area, say between "refresh/post/modify/delete/font size" and the first posting. Any other ideas?
                • Got it.
                • When you have time, modify it again to include the post from dazhongbao. Thanks.
                  • Will do.
    • SAILOR: 原来说不打算做那个FAQ了, 现在看为了保持倡议书简短, 有很多信息不能包括在里面。 所以打算接着做。 等做好了后是不是也可以同样列到最前面去。