


  • 工作学习 / English / Jabber's English Note---014
    Most of us know that "roger" is an English name. Right?

    If you want English movies about pilots, however, be all ears. You probably will hear pilots in the movie say "roger". "roger" is a jargon for pilots. It means "yes, I see".
    • (to jabber): roger. :D roger------ Used especially in radio communications to indicate receipt of a message.(From American traditional dictionary)
      • Thank you.
    • great!, I like this one.
    • In StarWar Episode I, The robot fighers always were keep saying "Roger Roger" when recieve message. You should be able to guess what's the meaning.
    • "Tango, Tango, this is Alpha, do you copy?" "Alpha, this is Tango, loud and clear." "Abort mission, repeat abort mission! Over and out" "Roger!"
      • Thank you very mych for your exellent citation...