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  • 工作学习 / 援助潘中原 / my suggestion.
    1. I think we should take this thing seriously.
    2. I think everyone can post his or her idea. If other person do not agree, he or she can post the reason. And then we can discuss how to solve this problem. For example, someone do not like couple online's idea. One reason is because Pan would not like to expose his life before camera. then I would like some person can suggest a more practical method. If you agree this idea, then also you can suggest some method in further detail. You can find the information in internet on the base of the semilar case.
    3. do not try personal assault.
    • 支持! 如果这样闹下去, 对援助小潘不利. 别忘了放在<援助潘中原>目录里的帖子目的是如何帮助小潘而不是讨论谁(TM)最有爱心, 谁(TM)吹牛, 一毛不拔.
      • 好的不学,尽学坏的,别加(TM)好不好?听着好别扭 :-)
        • Trade Mark?
        • 哈哈, 我把它读成T-M. 意思是TRADE MARK. 嘿嘿, 可喜的是不是我的TRADE MARK. 谢谢指正, 俺改!
          • 似乎不太标准, 据说是后面再加个D.
        • Come on, it's a fashion now. Did you see how many people say 有性格 when someone post Kao, TNND!