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  • 工作学习 / 求学深造 / I want to learn C++. Introduce me a book please!
    • 记得有一本电子书,叫Think in C++,写的挺详细,哪位大侠还有备份
      • 备份个屁!网上有的是。自己找去
        • P isn't a good word
      • The book TiC++ is at: /www.BruceEckel.com
    • www.csdn.net上找。think in c++ does not the best book for a new hand. you can find some advice from www.csdn.net/experts/ and search "book" in C++ column.or down TIC from www.51soft.com or
      • good suggestion, thinking in c++ is too large a book for a greenhand
    • C++经典图书
      for newbie:

      1) C++ Primer (Stanley Lippman)
      2) The C++ Programming Language (Bjarne Stroustrup, the person invent C++)
      3) The C++ ANSI/ISO Standard
      3) Thinking in C++ (Bruce Eckel)


      1) effective c++ (Scott Meyers)
      2) more effective c++ (Scott Meyers)

      u can find all the e-books on net except "C++ primer". use www.yahoo.com or cn.yahoo.com search engine, it is easy to find.