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  • 工作学习 / 援助潘中原 / 我的支票今天退回来了,把支票放到ATM机里的做法看来行不通.
    • it's Payble to the RB acct with the acct number on it, then use the Payment Bills by Enclosing option, so far you are the only one with troubles using a cheque, I say mail it to Ji Ang for assurance.
      • A few other people had similar problems. I was told if you have a check from another bank, you have to bring it to a Royal branch and do it through the teller. I am going to make revisions to the FAQ.
        • that is odd, it's like making a payment to the phone company...
    • 几天没来,好象发生了很多事。现在最好的捐款方式是什么?还能把支票寄给激昂吗?
      • that's a good way of ensuring your money goes to Pan
        • 刚才用错了ID了。现在这个才是我。对了,怎么没在那个贴子中找到JI ANG的地址?谁能再给贴一次?
          • See inside.
            本文发表在 rolia.net 枫下论坛6。 请问怎样给潘中原捐款?


            1。如果你是ROYAL BANK 的用户

            你可以到你的银行让柜员直接从你的银行卡上拨款至 (Make a direct deposit to) "Royal Bank 6542-5000807”。或写支票通过ROYAL BANK 的ATM付款。 在 “Payable To” 一 栏中填写 “Royal Bank 6542-5000807”。 使用ATM时, 选用“Pay Bills by Enclosing”的方式, 然后将支票放入。不论是让柜员做还是通过ATM,你也可以用现金。

            它的全名是 "Donations for Pan Zhongyuan in Trust of
            Pan Jin-an, Royal Bank of Canada".

            2。 如果你不是ROYAL BANK 的用户

            你可以按上述方式写好支票(在 “Payable To” 一 栏中填写 “Royal Bank 6542-5000807”), 或带上现金, 去ROYAL BANK 让柜员
            将钱存入(Make a direct deposit to) "Royal Bank 6542-5000807”。

            3。 如果你没有时间去银行

            可以将支票写好(在 “Payable To” 一 栏中填写 “Royal Bank 6542-5000807”), 寄给网友汪激昂, 他 会将支票转给潘中原的父亲潘金安, 由他存入银行。 汪激昂地址如下:

            WANG JI-ANG
            33 Isabella St, Apt 2215,
            Toronto, Ontario M4Y 2P7

            4. 如果你更愿意捐款至潘中原个人账号上, 可将


            WANG JI-ANG
            33 Isabella St, Apt 2215,
            Toronto, Ontario M4Y 2P7

            注意: 支票”PAYABLE TO“ 一栏写“ Zhongyuan Pan“, 不要写成“WANG JI-ANG“。

            如果你有任何有关捐款的问题, 请到www.rolia.com论坛"援助潘
            中原"专栏发帖, 会立即有网友帮助解答.更多精彩文章及讨论,请光临枫下论坛 rolia.net
            • 我愿意去Roalyal Bank 特和柜台去存。但是我今天问了 Bank Teller 他告诉我这个账号的名字不是你说的那个长的,所以我没存。请澄清这点。我争取明天去存。
              • I asked the teller if the name was "Donation for Pan Zhongyuan" and she said yes. Can you ask them again? And please let us know how it goes.
                • 我需要强调那个是Toronto 的账号么?我有点怵了都,那个 Teller 看我问完账号名字后就不存了,特警惕我。我就像知道,账户主人是谁。他说了两个中文字,没有什么 Donation 之类的。
                  • Mail it to Ji Ang then
                    • That's not the point. I want know why the account's name or description is not as you indicated in forum. I really want to donate, but i want this issue clearified. $100 is much for me, so I am careful.
                      • The acct name is DONATIONS FOR PAN ZHONG YUAN, IN TRUST FOR PAN JIN AN, some bank tellers don't know what they are doing, many people here had asked about the acct at their bank and they were
                        satisfied by the answers given to them.

                        You can also Mail me your name and phone number to me (ufeman@hotmail.com) with registered email acct, I will have Pan Jin An call you to express their graditute and let you know that the money went to their hands.

                        You can also mail the cheque to Ji Ang whose address is available with a simple search
                      • Jack from Ottawa donated $100, someone in Vancouver put in a $100 also.
              • 我刚才又去了Royal Bank. 另找了一个 Teller 问,他说的账号是 DONATIONS FOR PAN ZHONG YUAN, IN TRUST FOR PAN JIN AN。我存了支票,他们要用 Internal mail 发给Toronto,可能要明后天才能到帐。
                • 真的难为你了,跑来跑去的.替小潘谢谢你!
            • 清楚了。支票已写好了。明天寄走。请JI ANG注意查收。
              • cool!