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  • 工作学习 / 援助潘中原 / 今天我们去捐款但是帐号不是潘金原,而是一个姓kuan的不知为什么请确认谢谢.
    • refer to previous posts in Pan's category, all answers are there
    • Pan Jin An is Pan Zhong Yuan's father, the acct is a trust acct
      • 可帐号也不是潘金安的
        • 我支票上也写的是那个账号。请问,kuan是银行拼写给你们的还是读给你们的?你问清楚是royal bank的账号了吧?
          • read the previous posts in Pan's category please, this question's been asked about twice a day since two weeks ago.
            • 我倒不是担心,我的寄给激昂了,就交给他办吧。希望他存之前能检查一遍。我是希望能帮助上面的人消除担心。谢谢你!
            • 为什么一有人问,就让查以前的帖子。以前的帖子压根儿就没说清楚这个问题。您说的帐号的名字和银行TELLER说的就是不一样!如果这样,那也的得说一声,干脆直接寄支票给jiang算了。不要再让人直接存钱了。
              • Refer to #144672. It is a trust account and is a little bit complicated. Ask another teller to verify. If it is too frustrated and troublesome, you can always mail a cheque to Wang Ji Ang.
                • Thanks! And sorry that I am a little angry. Since I asked the same question,and someboday just ask me to see the previous posts. But there is no answer to my question.
                  • Take it easy. Just being busy could lead to a lot of misunderstanding.
                    • Anyway, you are doing a great work. Thank you!
                  • That was me, some teller don't know what they are doing, simply as that, the In Trust acct is controlled by Pan Jin An with our assistance.
                  • I will get a print out from Royal Bank, to show that the acct name is DONATIONS FOR PAN ZHONG YUAN, IN TRUST FOR PAN ZHONG AN
                    • 插翅瘦豬在假裝幹活,please look at the below post about insurance. We'd better have it done ASAP.
                      • I just emailed you back
                        • Got it! C U tomorrow to discuss about the insurance in more details.
                    • I think you misunderstood me.
                      I trust you, so I put the money into the account even though the teller told me that the account is not a donation account. You can check it.
                      I saw that many friends asked about the same question, but can't get any confirmed answer, just like me. I just hope you should solve this problem, otherwise, more and more people will ask this question again and again. You can't always ask us to check the previous posts, why not ask the bank to offer us the whole account name when we ask about it. This is a better solution than letting us check the posts. Since everyone could go to the bank only once instead of twice or even more time to donate his money.
              • take some time and read all the posts, every imaginable question had been answer, no need to blow up,
          • 银行职员给我看了计算机显示的owner名没有任何与潘类似的字我担心帐号有错就回来确认谢谢
            • I will post proofs tomorrow