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  • 枫下拾英 / 心情随笔 / 一点感想
    • again i support u, really surpsising thing is that some (not banZhu) love to hang around with him
    • To your surprise, I feel he beloves CHINESE. I see some bright side of Chinese from this slimpiggy - now named as "flying-tiger-slimpiggy"-I wonder how you arrive at your judgement.
      • 此人满嘴Chinaman,Fuck,怪胎也!注意查字典Chinaman,不要望文生义,学英文就要学好,不然被此怪胎骂了还不知道!
        • 你如果翻翻slimpiggy以前的帖子(你可能得翻翻历史旧贴区), 你就会知道他为什么骂人, 什么时候骂人. 实际上slimpiggy是个非常热心的人, 在援助潘中原的活动中他是骨干之一. 我承认slimpiggy的脾气有些古怪, 但他是个好同志.
          • 'Chinaman' 不是骂一个人的,是对全体中国人的侮辱,在Canada, 如有人叫你Chinaman 是严重的犯罪,早期的华工,修铁路,交人头税,还被称为Chinaman......
            'Chinaman' 不是骂一个人的,是对全体中国人的侮辱,在Canada, 如有人叫你Chinaman 是严重的犯罪,早期的华工,修铁路,交人头税,还被称为Chinaman......
            • Calm down please. I know the meaning of 'Chinaman'. I don't know whether that is a criminal offense (I'm not a lawyer) but I think it is no difference from calling black people negro.
              Do what I told you to do: browse his previous posts and you'll know what I mean.
              • if u call a black man negro in ur company , and then u will be sued, then u will be .......
                • 马丁路德金在他的著名的演讲《我有一个梦》中就用negro 。e.g. "we must face the tragic fact that the Negro is still not free"
                  • when did he give the speech? 2001?
                    • When negro was an insulting way to call the black people.
              • why not advise this pig stop using this seriously offensive word!!!!!!!! and get out!!!!!!!!!!
                • See post around #105255, #108330. I can't find some of his earlier posts that talked a lot about himself. But trust me, he's not a bad guy at least. You must be new here :-)
                  At first, I had the same feeling with you. But after I read those post, I changed my mind. A lot other people on rolia came along the same way.

                  I guess you need to learn how to 透过现象看本质. (sorry, can't express it precisely with my bad English.)
                  • It's pretty bad all right
              • I have to work tomorrow, although i am very energetic, but have to sleep now, so see u