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  • 枫下家园 / 爱车一族 / 新车是否需要做防锈处理?
    买车时DEALER问是否要做防锈处理,我因为看YAHOO网上说没有必要,因为加拿大的车的钢都是做过处理的,特别耐腐蚀, 根本不需做,所以没做.
    • btter do it. it increases the resail value
      • Thank you x86. Can you give me some more information?
        • usually
          the dealer will suggest you to do rust proofing, it costs $1300 for my car, you may want to do it for a luxury car. when you sell a car to a dealer, they'll ask you whether there's rust proofing had been done before. the process give you some increase of resale value, it also helps to prevent rust for years, coz you know what they do in the winter.
          • Tnaks again.
          • $1300? 那是什么样的车?或是什么样的防锈? 我买车的时候,dealer让我做,第一次报价$499, 我说不做(当时不懂那是什么东东),我提车的时候,再次鼓动我做,主动降价倒$399,这里面是否也水分很多?
            • i think it's a little expensive, but i purchased the car there, so i have no way :(
          • I searched auto magazine for 2nd hand cars. Very few (acturally I saw none) mentioned they did rust protection. I wonder why.
            • right, my last has no rust proofing either, the dealers always ask me whether i did it before, i said no. there was a little rust found on the skin when i sold it.
          • why I was told that the manufactory did the anti-rust for all the new car in canada...so is that not necessary for a new car?
            • i don't know why, but i was told that the new cars over $40,000 all do rust proofing when purchase. think about it, if you can afford a luxury car, why not make it stay long.
              • make sense