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  • 工作学习 / 援助潘中原 / 錢的處理, and my day so far...
    9am, spoke to Alice, she told me that Pan is being evicted out of the hospital since he's condition has been stable for the past week, which I agree. There are many people waiting for the hospital bed.

    Talked to Robert Bell for 30 secs, confirmed that the decision has been made, Pan will be out by Tuesday the latest, if not earlier

    Talked to Joe NG, and arranged homecare plan, BLOOR is working on that, thanks in advance.

    Went to see Pan, deposited all of his donation cheques to the Royal Bank acct, and took out 1500 dollars which Bloor and I passed to Pan.

    Witness: Lin Mei Mei, Jimmy, Melody, Bloor and me

    Bloor and I have obtained proof of the DONATION ACCT from Roayl Bank, will scan and post in the next 15 minutes.

    • Thank you for all the effort!! U R really a nice guy. BTW, is slim more slim or slender more slim? :-p
      • Slender is thinner and better looking ar, I am hip I am hip. 林妹妹人很漂亮, 就是書念多了, 估計眼睛比我還壞。I have 100 degrees of estigmatism, which is the equivalent of 650 degrees of shortsightedness
        • 哈哈....多好的一个机会给你宣传一下自己! 您是"为潘消得人憔悴"啊.
          • document scanned version coming up, one more thing, some people donated odd (for example, 50.99, 30.32, 33.36) cents as a safety measure for fraud, Noted. and we have many witnesses
            for money handling
    • 謝謝密西薩家佛教協會六百大洋的幫助,我建议密市的朋友有空去密市的那个佛庙看看,很大,很壮观,值得一游。
      • 拉香火钱???
        • 施主,老纳这相有礼了,BWT,HOW MUCH WILL YOU DONATE?
    • 总有网又担心账号的事情。中午从皇家银行开了一张证明,我放在了我的Yahoo相册中,关心的朋友可以去看一眼。下面是我看到的钱的情况:
      Payable to
      . 写皇家银行账号的:七张,413.33
      . 写潘中原名字的:十三张,1130.00

      存款时发现,账号里已经有1500+元了(Sorry, 没记准)。从中取出了1500元现金,交给了潘中原。

      另外,还有Payable to CIBC账号的:三张,110.99,因附近没有分行,还没有存。现在瘦猪手上。

      一句话,不算现金(我估计潘叔叔手里可能还有没存的支票,也不算),我们已至少为潘中原募集到3000+!! It's really a great achievement, isn't it?

      !!!!!!!!! THANK YOU ALL, OUR FRIENDS !!!!!!!!!
      • 你这个人还真不错!不过,最关键的应该是让皇家银行的TELLER把帐号全名告诉捐款的人,否则,人家会以为搞错了,而且还要多跑几趟。并不是不相信这个帐号。换成您遇到这种情况,您会轻易往里面存钱吗?
        • 对不起,我表达的不清楚。我相信,换了是我,也会犯嘀咕的。谢谢!
          • Hunter兄, 辛苦了, 堅決打倒假裝幹活一小戳人, 立刻召開全加拿大批鬥大會, 批鬥稅務瘦豬師在假裝幹活, 支持Hunter兄, 請Melody把原稿還給我, 以後可能還有用。 感謝
        • 有道理.不过要等BLOOR做了ROYAL BANK的行政总裁才可以:-P,他现在哪有这本事教TELLER做事情啊.只怪加拿大混饭吃的人太多.建议大家不要来回跑,或者当时换个TELLER在试下,或者直接回来寄支票.大家都是为了小潘嘛,辛苦了!
      • 堅決打倒稅務瘦豬師在假裝幹活, 立刻召開全加拿大批鬥大會, 批鬥稅務瘦豬師在假裝幹活, 支持激昂兄
        • 怎么到处乱贴打倒自己的口号? 不对劲儿.
          • 剛才貼錯了,
    • 还有一件事:关于潘叔叔的保险。已决定给潘叔叔买每天2。2的保险,保额15000。按月买,这样每个月都可以有15000元的保额。感谢LEE女士和我不知名的保险经纪人。
      LEE女士坚持要负担潘叔叔(和潘阿姨,如果来的话)今后的全部医疗保险。THANK YOU SO MUCH!

      • lee?是你吗?谢谢你!You are sooooooooooo nice!
        • Too bad! She told me to keep it secret since she does not want people to know her. Bloor is to be blamed. It is not my fault to reveal her name here.:-P
          • Ooooooooooooh, she forgot to told me that.
            • I am to be blamed for not reminding you. :-(
              • I am to be blamed for asking,,:-((((
        • Found a CIBC here, put in 110.99, will take the money to Pan Sr. this afternoon if cheques can clear
      • 保险今天已出单,七天后生效.
        • Pan owes the hospital 15891 dollars, that is after all the writing off and loan consolidation and forgiveness, THE HOSPITAL Will Issue notice of balance owing next week.
          • 潘中原欠医院15,891元,医院下星期会签发欠钱清单. 这算是在催着还钱了吗? 下星期没这么多钱怎么办?
            • see you in 20 mins
              • I've got the form from insurance company. I am leaving for hospital now.
            • Tell hospital, we have no money, but we have a lot of labors here, we can work for you instead of paying back any.
      • How much do you need to pay for such an insurance? Any details? I may buy the same type for my parents when they come to visit me in the future. You reply is very much appreciated.
    • Just called Toronto Communicty Care Access Center. They told me that there are 4 co-ordinators in Mt Sinai hospital. I will contact with them to make sure that everything is arranged for Mr Pan.
      Especially a wheelchair.

      For my information, the number of the Home Care Co-Ordinator in Mt Sinai is : 416-586-8732
      • Don't Call, Bloor and I are working on it, focus on finding a place for Pan